by Sherri Jorgensen | Jun 24, 2020 | -Come, Follow Me, -Come, Follow Me Videos, -Podcast, -Sherri Jorgensen, -Video
Come, Follow Me, Book of Mormon Study (Alma 17-22) “I will make an instrument of thee”Video and Podcast by: Sherri Jorgensen I am so excited about what we learn from these chapters! This week in our video and podcast we are going to talk about how we can learn...
by Sherri Jorgensen | Jun 17, 2020 | -Come, Follow Me, -Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge, -Sherri Jorgensen, Book of Mormon, Come Unto Christ Artwork, Courage, Drawing on the powers of heaven, Faith, Faithful, faithful followers, increase faith, Learning by Faith, Power of God, Stay the Course
Alma 13:10 …it was on account of their exceeding faith and repentance, and their righteousness before God, they choosing to repent and work righteousness rather than to perish The power of faith is a challenge that we could focus on every week. As you look for...
by Sherri Jorgensen | Jun 11, 2020 | -Come, Follow Me, -Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge, -Sherri Jorgensen, Agency, Come Unto Christ Artwork, Courage, good choices, Heart, Humility, LIft, Stand as a Witness, stand strong, Stay the Course
Alma 8:14-15… while he was journeying thither, being weighed down with sorrow, wading through much tribulation and anguish of soul, because of the wickedness of the people who were in the city of Ammonihah, it came to pass while Alma was thus weighed down with...
by Sherri Jorgensen | Jun 7, 2020 | -Come, Follow Me, -Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge, -Sherri Jorgensen, Book of Mormon, Come Unto Christ Artwork, Drawing on the powers of heaven, Eternity, God's Love, Kingdom of God, Plan of Salvation, questions, Redeemer
Alma 5:26… if ye have experienced a change of heart, and if ye have felt to sing the song of redeeming love, I would ask, can ye feel so now? The redeeming power of Christ to pull us through the toughest moments is the climax of the supreme plan of salvation....
by Sherri Jorgensen | Jun 3, 2020 | -Come, Follow Me, -Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge, -Sherri Jorgensen, Book of Mormon, Come Unto Christ Artwork, Drawing on the powers of heaven, Power of God, Stand as a Witness, stand strong, Strength, Trials
Alma 2:30… Alma, being a man of God, being exercised with much faith, cried, saying: O Lord, have mercy and spare my life, that I may be an instrument in thy hands to save and preserve this people. Over and over the scripture teach us that the Lord will be our...
by Sherri Jorgensen | Jun 2, 2020 | -Sherri Jorgensen, Adversary, Atonement, Come Unto Christ Artwork, Courage, Faith, Grace, Path, Stand as a Witness, stand strong, Standards, Stay the Course, Trials
Why is the quest to follow Christ so difficult at times? In fact, it is more difficult the closer we come to Christ. The harder we seek—the more aware we become of our inadequacies. As the weaknesses flood in, the feelings of impossible over take and we can easily...
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