by Stefanie Colvin | Aug 6, 2021 | -Podcast, -Stefanie Colvin, Conversion, LDS Real People, Real Lives Podcast
My husband Jed Colvin shares his faith, his journey, and what he knows with utter conviction to be true. He is a devout follower of Jesus Christ and strives to serve His Lord & Savior with his whole heart, imperfectly. He shares his struggles, his experiences of...
by Stefanie Colvin | Aug 6, 2021 | -Motivation, -Stefanie Colvin, LDS Real People, Real Lives Podcast
The final and last gathering. Each of us have family waiting for work to be done, we have brothers and sisters to share our beliefs and example with…..Christ is looking to YOU to help in the Great & Last gathering of God’s children. Get to work 👊 For unto you,...
by Spencer Charles | Aug 5, 2021 | -Craig Conover, -Ponderize, -Spencer, -Stefanie Colvin, -Team Members, -Todd Bruce, -Wallpapers, Elk Valley Latter Day Saint, Latter Day Help, LDS Real People, Real Lives Podcast , Spiritual Crusade
This is the main Spiritual Crusade wallpaper for all of you that want our logo as a wallpaper on your phone This is the Elkvalleylatterdaysaint logo we have turned into a wallpaper for all of the Elkvalleylatterdaysaint fans! This is...
by Stefanie Colvin | Aug 3, 2021 | -Ponderize, -Stefanie Colvin, LDS Real People, Real Lives Podcast
To accept and love others does not mean we must embrace their ideas. Obviously, truth mandates our highest allegiance, though it should never be a barrier to kindness. Truly loving others requires the ongoing practice of accepting the best efforts of people whose life...
by Stefanie Colvin | Aug 1, 2021 | -Stefanie Colvin, LDS Real People, Real Lives Podcast
Many of us wonder what happens after we die. We lived before we came to earth, and we will continue to live after we die. Knowing this plan can provide comfort and peace about death. While we mourn for those loved ones we’ve lost, there is hope—death is not the...
by Stefanie Colvin | Jul 31, 2021 | -Stefanie Colvin, LDS Real People, Real Lives Podcast
Our spirit bodies look like they did in premortal life: human bodies in a perfect adult form. After death, our spirits will have the same attitudes, appetites, and desires we had at the time of our physical death on...
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