by Stefanie Colvin | Aug 17, 2021 | -Stefanie Colvin, LDS Real People, Real Lives Podcast
Kindness is the essence of Greatness -Joseph B Wirthlin
by Stefanie Colvin | Aug 17, 2021 | -Stefanie Colvin, First Presidency, LDS Real People, Real Lives Podcast
These “three Presiding High Priests … form a quorum of the Presidency of the Church” (D&C 107:22). Upon them rests the responsibility of directing the kingdom of God on the earth (see D&C 90:12–16) The Lord emphasized the significance of the First Presidency...
by Stefanie Colvin | Aug 14, 2021 | -Podcast, -Stefanie Colvin, LDS Real People, Real Lives Podcast , President Nelson, President Russell M. Nelson, Prophet
The First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints came out with a controversial message yesterday about the COVID vaccine and mask usage. It has been difficult for some, including me. This is how I found resolution in my heart to the confusion...
by Stefanie Colvin | Aug 10, 2021 | -Stefanie Colvin, Heaven Father, LDS Real People, Real Lives Podcast , truth
There is one source of truth that is complete, correct, and incorruptible. That source is our infinitely wise and all-knowing Heavenly Father. I believe this is one that unites faiths of all those who believe in Jesus Christ. Truth is the truth even if you don’t...
by Stefanie Colvin | Aug 8, 2021 | -Motivation, -Stefanie Colvin, Knowledge, LDS Real People, Real Lives Podcast , Light, truth
He further made it clear that our search for truth must be limitless, that we are to learn “of things both in heaven and in the earth, and under the earth; things which have been, things which are, things which must shortly come to pass; things which are at home,...
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