Generals in the Lord’s Battalion: Alma 60 (Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives)

Generals in the Lord’s Battalion: Alma 60 (Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives)

President Russell M. Nelson is inviting us all to enlist in the Lord’s battalion. Our role as parents is excitingly important. We are the Generals; the ones responsible to properly train and equip the soldiers. The battle is real, the enemy is vicious and ruthless....
Becoming One in a Marriage with Different Religions

Becoming One in a Marriage with Different Religions

I am sure I will write many posts on this subject since I, myself, crave to hear encouragement, advice, and stories from others who are part-member families of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I cannot lie, I wish I could tell you it is easy…but...
2 Nephi Chapter 8: It’s Time to Wake Up and Get Excited! – Applying Scriptures to Our Lives

2 Nephi Chapter 8: It’s Time to Wake Up and Get Excited! – Applying Scriptures to Our Lives

While reading 2 Nephi, chapter 8, I felt like I was having a personal counsel with my Heavenly  Father.  I’ve learned over the years to keep my family home evening lessons short. I figure I’ve got 5 minutes to share the important thing. Even with that, I...
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