by Spencer Charles | Aug 21, 2021 | -Spencer, Faith, Jesus Christ, Latter Day Help, Power of God, President Russell M. Nelson, Russell M. Nelson
“Faith in Jesus Christ is the greatest power available to us in this life.” —Russell M. Nelson Faith in Jesus Christ is truly the greatest power available to us in this life! Through Christ, we are able to all things. He is the light and life of the world. Draw on his...
by Todd Bruce | Aug 13, 2021 | -Todd Bruce, Elk Valley Latter Day Saint, Faith, increase faith, Learning by Faith, President Russell M. Nelson, Russell M. Nelson, Savior, Trust
Study. Become an engaged learner. Choose to believe in Jesus Christ.Act In Faith. Partake of sacred ordinances worthily. Ask Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, for help. — Russell M. Nelson Developing greater faith requires effort on our part! The more...
by Spencer Charles | Aug 11, 2021 | -Spencer, Christ, Jesus Christ, Latter Day Help, Latter Day Saints, President Russell M. Nelson, Ronald A. Rasband, Russell M. Nelson, See Christ, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, The Living Christ
“I testify to you that Jesus Christ lives. He directs his church; He speaks to his prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, and he loves all Heavenly Father’s children.” — Elder Rasband He is risen! Christ is still alive and he directs his church. He speaks to the...
by Todd Bruce | Aug 7, 2021 | -Todd Bruce, Doubt, Elk Valley Latter Day Saint, President Russell M. Nelson, Russell M. Nelson
“Stop increasing your doubts by rehearsing them with other doubters. Allow the Lord to lead you on your journey of spiritual discovery. “ — Russell M. Nelson We must always be self aware of whether we are feeding the fire of our faith, or our doubt! It’s ok to have...
by Spencer Charles | Aug 7, 2021 | -Spencer, Book of Mormon, Faith, God, increase faith, Latter Day Help, Learning by Faith, Miracle, miracles, Power of God, Russell M. Nelson
“Miracles are worked through the power of faith, as President Nelson so powerfully taught us in the last session. The prophet Moroni exhorted the people, “If there be no faith among the children of men God can do no miracle among them; wherefore, he showed not himself...
by Spencer Charles | Aug 6, 2021 | -Church Topics, -How To’s, -Spencer, #HearHim, Christ, God, God's Love, Jesus Christ, Latter Day Help, Latter Day Saints, President Russell M. Nelson, Russell M. Nelson, See Christ, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Doctrine and Covenants 18:36,“Wherefore you can testify that you have heard my voice and know my word.” When we can say that we have heard his voice and know his word we will be better disciples, better and more often able to hear Him”.Our Prophet Russell M. Nelson...
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