Hydration is Essential to Our Spiritual Survival

Hydration is Essential to Our Spiritual Survival

“With daily obedience and refreshing living water, we find answers, faith, and strength to meet everyday challenges and opportunities with gospel patience, perspective, and joy.” -Gerrit W. Gong While running in college, our coach was big on hydration. At the...
Joy For Everyone: Alma 38; Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives

Joy For Everyone: Alma 38; Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives

I just posted about the importance of writing handwritten letters to our children, expressing our love and gratitude and then sharing our testimonies of Christ. As I prayed what to write about today, I opened to the letters that Alma wrote his sons. What a perfect...
12 Quotes by David P. Homer “Hearing His Voice”

12 Quotes by David P. Homer “Hearing His Voice”

In a world with so many competing voices, our Heavenly Father has made it possible for us to hear and follow His. At critical moments in our lives, we will hear multiple voices competing for our attention…it is vital that we listen to the right ones. We live in...
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