Elk Valley Latter Day Saint — April 6th – 30th

Elk Valley Latter Day Saint — April 6th – 30th

We aren’t meant to all be the same! It’s our strengths and weaknesses that make us unique and provide variety. These differences help strengthen relationships and make our lives better. Remember that we can lean on others for support and yet, at other times, we can...
Remember, Remember: Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Mosiah 1-3)

Remember, Remember: Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Mosiah 1-3)

Mosiah 2:41 , I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into...
Inquire of the Lord; Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (1 Nephi 11-15)

Inquire of the Lord; Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (1 Nephi 11-15)

“Have ye inquired of the Lord?” Asks Nephi “We have not; for the Lord maketh no such thing known unto us.” Answers Laman and Lemuel (1 Nephi 15:8-9) This seems to be a common feeling and conversation. I am not sure why it is difficult at times to seek the Lords wisdom...
26 Quotes by Dieter F. Uchtdorf “Your Great Adventure”

26 Quotes by Dieter F. Uchtdorf “Your Great Adventure”

The Savior invites us, each day, to set aside our comforts and securities and join Him on the journey of discipleship. The call to adventure has reached deep into his heart. And so, this unremarkable hobbit leaves comfort behind and enters the path to a great...
25 Inspiring Quotes by Russell M. Nelson “Spiritual Treasures”

25 Inspiring Quotes by Russell M. Nelson “Spiritual Treasures”

As you exercise faith in the Lord and His priesthood power, your ability to draw upon this spiritual treasure that the Lord has made available will increase. I hope the sisters understand the spiritual treasures that are theirs in the temple. Expound the scriptures,...
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