by Sherri Jorgensen | Dec 21, 2018 | -General Conference, Blessings, Come Unto Christ Artwork, Faith, Hope, Prayer, Priesthood, Story
On the plains of Paraguay sits the tiny village of Mistolar. It is located on a large stretch of land in a desolate area near the Pilcomayo River. There in this small farming community is a branch of the Church. In June of 1987, with the melting snows of the Andes,...
by Debbie Olson | Dec 19, 2018 | -Debbie Olson, -General Conference, Children, Dove Designs, Family, Motherhood
The talk ” Your Greatest Challenge, Mother” by Gordon B. Hinckley was given in October 2000. It is a talk I highly recommend you read. Here is the link… Teach...
by Sherri Jorgensen | Dec 19, 2018 | -General Conference, Come Unto Christ Artwork, President Nelson, President Russell M. Nelson, Teach, Temple
I leave my love and blessing upon you, that you may feast upon the word of the Lord and apply His teachings in your personal lives. The new home-centered, Church-supported integrated curriculum has the potential to unleash the power of families, as each family follows...
by Craig Conover | Dec 17, 2018 | -Craig Conover, -General Conference, -Lesson, Spiritual Crusade
Shepherding Souls by Gary E Stevenson What a great topic today. I am super excited to jump in and talk about Shepherding Souls. I also pray that the spirit can be here in abundance, and that we can all be taught, even divinely. “In a recent discussion, President Henry...
by Debbie Olson | Dec 8, 2018 | -Debbie Olson, -General Conference, Dove Designs
My young sisters–and adult women too–it will bless your lives if you limit your use of and dependence on cell phones. ...
by Craig Conover | Dec 4, 2018 | -General Conference, -Sherri Jorgensen, Come Unto Christ Artwork, Divine Nature, Heavenly Father, Individual Worth, Plan of Salvation, Uncategorized
Each of us has the potential to become like the Father. To do so, we must worship the Father in the name of the Son. He (The Father) is personally invested in our success, and that He provides us with the lessons and experiences we need to return to His presence. A...
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