Each of us has the potential to become like the Father. To do so, we must worship the Father in the name of the Son.

He (The Father) is personally invested in our success, and that He provides us with the lessons and experiences we need to return to His presence.

A correct understanding of Heavenly Father’s character can change how we see ourselves and others and help us to understand God’s tremendous love for His children and His great desire to help us become like Him.

In the premortal world, we were born as spirits to Heavenly Parents and lived with Them as a family. They knew us, taught us, and loved us.

Each of us accepted the conditions of the plan, including the experiences and challenges of mortality that would help us develop divine attributes.

It is Heavenly Father who gives us our daily bread, which includes both the food we eat and the strength we need to keep His commandments. The Father gives good gifts. He hears and answers our prayers. Heavenly Father delivers us from evil when we let Him. He weeps for us when we suffer. Ultimately, all of our blessings come from the Father.

Heavenly Father guides us and gives us the experiences we need based on our strengths, weaknesses, and choices so that we might bear good fruit. The Father chastens us when necessary because He loves us.

He is a “Man of Counsel,” who will counsel with us if we ask.

Through the gift of the Holy Ghost, the glory–or intelligence, light, and power–of the Father can dwell in us.

To become like the Father, we must develop His character traits. Heavenly Father’s perfections and attributes include the following:

The Father is “Endless and Eternal.”

He is perfectly just, merciful, kind, long-suffering, and wants only what is best for us.

Heavenly Father is love.

He keeps His covenants.

He does not change.

He cannot lie.

The Father is no respecter of persons.

He knows all things–past, present, and future–from the beginning.

Heavenly Father is more intelligent than us all.

The Father has all power and does all that He takes into His heart to do.

We can trust in and rely upon the Father. Because He has an eternal perspective, Heavenly Father can see things we cannot. His joy, work, and glory are to bring to pass our immortality and exaltation. Everything He does is for our benefit.

I invite you to trust that Heavenly Father knows how to exalt you; seek His daily, sustaining help; and press forward with faith in Christ even when you cannot feel God’s love.

There is much we do not understand about becoming like the Father. But I can testify with certainty that striving to become like the Father is worth every sacrifice.

The sacrifices we make here in mortality, no matter how great, are simply incomparable to the immeasurable joy, happiness, and love we will feel in God’s presence.

-Sherri Jorgensen

Here is the link to the full talk:


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