Walk in the Newness of Life; Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Romans 1-6)

Walk in the Newness of Life; Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Romans 1-6)

Romans 6:4 ​Therefore we are ​​​buried​ with him by ​​​baptism​ into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the ​​​dead​ by the glory of the Father, even so we also should ​​​walk​ in ​​​newness​ of life. I love this wording, to “walk in the newness of life”....
Be of Good Cheer: Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Acts 22-28)

Be of Good Cheer: Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Acts 22-28)

As we finish up Acts with the Come, Follow Me Bible study, we see that Paul’s ministries were full of much affliction. In fact, he faced constant persecutions that resulted in continuous beatings, stoning, and imprisonment. He faced all of this while trying to follow...
Recongnize Heavenly Father’s Love in Your Daily Life; Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Acts 16-21)

Recongnize Heavenly Father’s Love in Your Daily Life; Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Acts 16-21)

One of the greatest purposes of the First Vision was to solidify what Paul was teaching the people of Athens. They believed in a superior power, but they didn’t understand who God was.  Acts 17:23 For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar...
Be NOT a Respecter of Persons: Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Acts 10-15)

Be NOT a Respecter of Persons: Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Acts 10-15)

​​​Acts 10:34 ​​¶ ​Then Peter opened ​his​ mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no ​​​respecter​ of persons: 35 ​But in every ​​​nation​ he that ​​​feareth​ him, and ​​​worketh​ ​​​righteousness​, is ​​​accepted​ with him. I can’t tell you enough how...
Lord, “What would thou have me do?”: Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Act 6-9)

Lord, “What would thou have me do?”: Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Act 6-9)

“You do change human nature, your own human nature, if you surrender it to Christ. Human nature can be changed here and now. Human nature has been changed in the past. Human nature must be changed on an enormous scale in the future, unless the world is to be drowned...
Remember, You Are Not Alone: Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Acts 1-5)

Remember, You Are Not Alone: Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge (Acts 1-5)

 Last week we ended with the last testimonies of Mathew, Mark, Luke and John, with the resurrection of Christ. As wonderful as it was that HE LIVED, he was still gone from the apostles mortal view. They were used to walking and talking to Jesus. He had been side...
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