Young adults and youth lead tours at a replica of the tabernacle in the Old Testament, how it points to Christ  

Young adults and youth lead tours at a replica of the tabernacle in the Old Testament, how it points to Christ  

Author: Spencer Charles aka Latterdayhelp| Thursday, May 19th 16 O’clock News MST| No.97 “There are roots that go back to the ancient tabernacle, and there’s a consistency over time of what Heavenly Father is trying to teach us, and the way He’s trying to teach us....
Three Important Truths – Latterdayhelp Quotes

Three Important Truths – Latterdayhelp Quotes

“1. You are a child of God. 2. You are a child of the covenant. 3. You are a disciple of Jesus Christ.” — President Russell M. Nelson The three most important truths for us to know, to keep our minds set on retuning back to Christ and Heavenly Father is this quote. We...
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