It Is Our Turn to Preserve the Miraculous Ancient Sacred Records: Alma 37 (Part 1) – Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives

It Is Our Turn to Preserve the Miraculous Ancient Sacred Records: Alma 37 (Part 1) – Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives

It’s absolutely miraculous that we have the scriptures and that they have been preserved and passed down to us for generations. In fact, this may be one of the greatest miracles of all time. I was recently at our state capital, touring the 100’s of years of preserved...
2 Nephi Chapter 8: It’s Time to Wake Up and Get Excited! – Applying Scriptures to Our Lives

2 Nephi Chapter 8: It’s Time to Wake Up and Get Excited! – Applying Scriptures to Our Lives

While reading 2 Nephi, chapter 8, I felt like I was having a personal counsel with my Heavenly  Father.  I’ve learned over the years to keep my family home evening lessons short. I figure I’ve got 5 minutes to share the important thing. Even with that, I...
Lehi and Sariah as parenting and marriage experts: Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives

Lehi and Sariah as parenting and marriage experts: Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives

I am thankful for the example of Lehi and Sariah in the book of Mormon, as parents that we can emulate. In the very beginning it says Nephi was born of goodly parents, who taught him of the goodness and mysteries of God. 1Nephi 1:1  I Nephi, having...
Stripling Warriors of the Latter Days are in Our Homes: Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives

Stripling Warriors of the Latter Days are in Our Homes: Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives

As I read this story to my kids, I was able to relate it to their lives right now. To help them see…how special they are, and to help me see who lives in my home…The Stripling Warriors of Latter Days! What does Stripling mean? Youth, adolescent, youngster,...
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