Beware of Spiritual Forest Fires…Watchmen on the Tower

Beware of Spiritual Forest Fires…Watchmen on the Tower

Our family has been praying for the families in California who lost their homes, and family member. It’s absolutely devastating. The constant question has been “How could this happen today?” Implying that with all our technology, and experience how could it be...
Stripling Warriors of the Latter Days are in Our Homes: Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives

Stripling Warriors of the Latter Days are in Our Homes: Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives

As I read this story to my kids, I was able to relate it to their lives right now. To help them see…how special they are, and to help me see who lives in my home…The Stripling Warriors of Latter Days! What does Stripling mean? Youth, adolescent, youngster,...
Greatness thru Adversity

Greatness thru Adversity

I have a friend who received some disappointing news in regard to her health. Without going into too much details, there was so much hope involved. My friend is not dying, but there was hope for an increased quality of life. But, she is a fighter and while...
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