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Blessings To Those That Follow Christ -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“The blessings that flow into the lives of those who follow the example and teachings of Jesus Christ, who choose to be counted among His disciples, are numerous, joyful, and eternal.” — Randy D. Funk Those that follow Jesus Christ receive blessings. You see when you...
Jesus Christ Is The Source Of Healing
“Because of Christ, our decision to ’go forth and change’ can also allow us to ’go forth and heal,’ for He is the source of healing all that is broken in our lives.” — Amy A. Wright Christ heals, helps and restores our souls as we strive to follow him, and love one...
God Knows And Loves Us -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“Along with the peaceful direction we receive from the Holy Ghost, from time to time, God powerfully and very personally assures each of us that He knows us and loves us and that He is blessing us specifically and openly. Then, in our moments of difficulty, the Savior...
The Covenant Path Is Not Easy
“The covenant path cannot be easy for any of us. There is too much refining needed for it to be easy.” — D. Todd Christofferson We have come to earth to gain bodies, experience the joys and pain of life and be tested. We should expect it to be difficult. We will have...
The Fold Of God -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“But the Good Shepherd—our true shepherd—is always good. Within the fold of God, we experience His watchful, nurturing care and are blessed to feel His redeeming love.” — Randy D. Funk We are the sheep and Jesus is the good shepherd. He cares for us and looks out for...
Jesus Christ Is The Answer
“Jesus Christ was the answer then, and He is the answer now. He knows our complete story and exactly what we suffer, as well as our capabilities and vulnerabilities.” — Amy A. Wright Jesus Christ is the answer! He needs to be the central figure and main focus of all...
How To Spend Time With Heavenly Father and Christ
It is important every day to spend some time with Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. Many people want to spend time with Them but don’t exactly know how, or where to start. “I plead with you to make time for the Lord! Make your own spiritual foundation firm and...
The Most Powerful Weapons -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“The most powerful weapons the Lord has given us against all that is evil are His own declarations, the plain simple doctrines of salvation are found in the scriptures.” — Harold B. Lee The scriptures are an extremely good weapon against Satan. The basic doctrine of...
Be Engaged In God’s Work
“Our repentance and obedience, our service and sacrifices do matter. These things matter because they engage us in God’s work and are the means by which we collaborate with Him in our own transformation from natural man to saint.” — D. Todd Christofferson...
Life Cannot Be Understood By One Event
“No one’s life can be understood by one magnificent moment or one regrettable public disappointment.” — Amy A. Wright Experience should teach us to give space for others to grow and not be so harsh in judgment. We wouldn’t want to be judged by our most embarrassing...
Accept The Savior’s Invitation -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“As we accept the Savior’s invitation, we demonstrate our humility, our desire to be teachable, and our hope to become more like Him. This invitation also includes serving Him and ministering to God’s children “with all [our] heart, might, mind and strength.” At the...
God Will Honor His Covenants And Promises
“God will indeed honor His covenants and promises to each of us. We need not worry about that. The atoning power of Jesus Christ-who descended below all things and then ascended on high and who possesses all power in heaven and earth- ensures that God can and will...
Jesus Christ Lives -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“I testify that Jesus Christ lives. This is His Church, restored to the earth through the Prophet Joseph Smith. President Russell M. Nelson is the Lord’s prophet today. I love and sustain him. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.” — Mark L. Pace Jesus Christ is risen...
Christ Can Heal Things That Are Broken
“We can learn much from the scriptures about how our Savior, Jesus Christ, will help us successfully navigate the things in our lives that are broken, no matter our age. He can heal broken relationships with God, broken relationships with others, and broken parts of...
Orem Utah Temple caught on fire overnight
Author: Spencer Charles aka Latterdayhelp| Monday, July 26 20 O’clock News MST| No.107 “The source of the fire is not yet known, but it is believed that the fire started on the third floor of the temple,” Church spokesman Doug Andersen said. “Foam was used to...
We Can Have Happiness -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“Yes, the world is in turmoil. And yes, we have weakness. But we do not need to hang our heads in despair, be because we can trust God, we can trust His son, Jesus Christ, and we can accept the gift of the Spirit to guide us on this path toward a life filled with joy...
Faith Is Not Conditional On Blessings
“Some misunderstand the promises of God to mean that obedience to Him yields specific outcomes on a fixed schedule.” — D. Todd Christofferson There is very real danger in making our faith conditional on blessings. If we dictate to God what we require in order to...
Sincere Prayer And The Holy Ghost -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“Through sincere prayer and the guidance of the Holy Ghost, they came to believe what they were taught and chose to be baptized and become members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. That decision, and their pattern of living since, has blessed Brother...
Share The Gospel Of Jesus Christ To The World
“Our personal conviction includes the responsibility to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the world.” — Quentin L. Cook Go and do thou likewise! Whatever your story, whatever your strengths, and whatever your limitations, your conversion to the Saviour compels you...
Come Follow Me Overview – Esther
Hello and welcome my friends to this weeks Come Follow Me Review. My name is Spencer Charles also known as Latterdayhelp. Let’s begin! Suggestion: when using The Come Follow Me book, use this page for my commentary and overview. You will see a quote from the...