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Our Covenant Connection -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“Our covenant connection with God and Jesus Christ is the channel through which we can receive the capacity and strength to ”heed not.” And this bond is strengthened as we continually hold fast to the rod of iron.” — David A. Bednar We are commanded to heed not the...
We Will Face Difficulties And Sorrows
“The joy promised in the scriptures as the purpose of our existence should not be understood to mean that we will have no difficulties or sorrows.” — Jorge F. Zeballos We often make the mistake of thinking that because we are on the covenant path, or striving to be as...
Accepting His Will -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“But we were at peace. We wanted the infant to live, but the Lord had other plans. Accepting His will in place of our own is key to finding joy no matter our circumstances.” — Larry S. Kacher Sometimes things happen and we don’t want them to happen, but God does. We...
The Savior Knows Your Struggles In Detail
“The Savior knows your struggles in detail. He knows your great potential to grow in faith, hope, and charity.” — Henry B. Eyring Jesus Christ, by virtue of suffering the Atonement for each and every one of us, is uniquely qualified to understand and empathize with...
Every worthy and able young man should prepare for and serve a mission
“Today I reaffirm strongly that the Lord has asked every worthy, able young man to prepare for and serve a mission. For Latter-day Saint young men, missionary service is a priesthood responsibility.” President Russell M. Nelson There it is if anyone doubts whether...
Build Faith In The Savior -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“As we strive to build faith in the Savior, we may not fully comprehend God’s love for us, and we may obey His laws out of a sense of obligation. Guilt may even become our primary motivator rather than love. A real connection to Him may not yet have been experienced.”...
Craftsmanship Of God -Psalm 8:3 -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;” — Psalm 8:3 The craftsmanship of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ is truly remarkable and beyond description. The things you see on this earth and in the sky are...
We Need Each Other
“Part of the power of this remarkable story of Jesus is that it reminds us just how much we need each other, as brothers and sisters, to come unto Christ and be transformed.” — James W. McConkie 3 We are needed! We are wanted! We have a work to do which no one else...
Grow Closer To God And Jesus Christ Every Day -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“My dear brothers and sisters, may you focus on the temple in ways you never have before, I bless you to grow closer to God and Jesus Christ every day. I love you. May God be with you until we meet again.” — Russell M. Nelson We need to do daily things that will bring...
We Need Our Own Testimony Of Jesus And His Gospel
“We cannot live on borrowed light; we each need our own testimony of Jesus and His gospel.” — Quentin L. Cook Just as Joseph Smith sought inspired revelation, we need to know for ourselves that God lives, Jesus Christ atoned for our sins, and died for us, and that He...
They Stand Ready To Help -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“Heavenly Father and His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, stand ready to help, I urge you to increase your efforts to seek Their help.” — Russell M. Nelson Jesus Christ overcame all things. He overcame the world and we can too with His help. Turn to Jesus Christ and...
You Have Help From Both Sides Of The Veil -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“In the gospel of Jesus Christ you have help from both sides of the veil and you must never forget that. When disappointment and discouragement strike—and they will—you remember and never forget that if our eyes could be opened we would see horses and chariots of fire...
We Need Our Own Testimony
“We cannot obtain the Celestial Kingdom and live with God the Father on borrowed light, we need our own testimony of Jesus Christ and His gospel.” — Quentin L. Cook Conversion is a personal quest. No one can coast off another light and testimony. We just each be...
You Do Belong
“It is a sad irony when someone feeling he or she doesn’t meet the ideal in all aspects of life, concludes that they don’t belong in the very organization designed by God to help us progress toward the ideal.” — D. Todd Christofferson Life can be rough, and we...
As We Take Up Our Crosses
“As we take up our crosses and follow Him, it would be tragic indeed if the weight of our challenges did not make us more empathetic and more attentive to the burdens being carried by others.” — Jeffery R. Holland Our experiences in life should teach us that we ought...
Promote The Cause Of Truth -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“Brethren, let us mind our own business-that is, the calling the Lord has called us to-to do everything we can to promote the good of the Cause of Truth, and never ask how big we are, or inquire who we are; but let it be, ’What can I do to build up the Kingdom of God...
Intentional And Concentrated Effort
“Today and the days ahead require more focused and concentrates effort, guarding against diversions and carelessness.” — Neil L. Andersen We put ourselves into very real danger when we assume we are okay, ‘all is well in Zion’ should never be our cry, in our own...
Do Not Pray To Heavenly Mother -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“Reason cannot replace revelation. Speculation won't lead to greater spiritual knowledge but it can lead us to deception or divert us and divert our focus from what has been revealed. For example, the Savior taught his disciples, "Always pray unto the Father in my...
Meditation Is The Language Of The Soul -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“Meditation is the language of the soul. It is defined as “a form of private devotion, or spiritual exercise, consisting in deep, continued reflection on some religious theme.” Meditation is a form of prayer.” — David O. Mckay Throughout the scriptures, we see that...
We Choose Who We Follow
“When we follow Satan, we give him power. When we follow God, He gives us power.” — Paul V. Johnson We choose who we follow! A great question to ask yourself is which of these two has your best interest at heart? And who will have your back?