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When The Sacrament Is Being Passed -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“The reverent moments as priesthood holders pass the sacrament can become sacred to us.” — Peter F. Meurs When the sacrament is being passed, we should be thinking of Christ’s atonement. That time should be a period of remembering Him and what He has done for us. I...
Forgiving Is Not When You Remain Hurt
“Please know that forgiving someone does not mean that you put yourself in a position where you will continue to he hurt.” — Kristin M. Yee Loving one another does not mean putting ourself in a position to be mistreated or abused. We can love while maintaining firm...
10 Quotes By Neil L. Andersen – “Following Jesus: Being a Peacemaker.”
My dear brothers and sisters, as we experience sobering days of commotion, contention, and, for many, deep suffering, our hearts are filled with overwhelming gratitude for our Savior and the eternal blessings of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. We love Him and we...
We Will Never Be Lost To Our Savior
“Please remember that if anyone should lose their way, we will never be lost to our Savior.” — M. Russell Ballard The lost ten tribes are not lost, not a single soul. If God can keep track of each of them, while maintaining the lilies of the field, the ecosystems on...
Bless Your Children
“Bless your children whether they are 5 or 50 years old. Be with them, be for them. Although providing is a responsibility established by divine design, we must not forget to share joyful time with our children.” — Hugo Montoya Make time for your children! Help them...
Overcome the World, Through Christ
“Find rest from the intensity, uncertainty, and anguish of this world by overcoming the world through your covenants with God.” Pres. Nelson
As We Come Unto Christ -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“As we come unto Christ and journey to higher ground, we will desire to spend more time in His temples, because the temples represent higher ground, sacred ground.” — Jospeh B. Witthlin As we through the help of the Savior rise above the world and live the higher law,...
Source Of All Truth
“God is the source of all truth.” — Russell M. Nelson Eternal truths are truths most worth knowing and living by. They will have the greatest benefit or consequence on our lives. Coming to know God or to hear His voice will help lead and guide us as we endeavor to do...
Make The Temple Your North Star
“Make the temple your north star.” — Jeremy R. Jaggi Elder Jaggi is visiting for Cranbrook Stake Conference and shared this little pearl of wisdom. He shared that too many youth and young adults tie their individual worth to the goal of serving a mission, when they...
The Book Of Mormon Was Prepared For Our Day
“By divine design the Book of Mormon was prepared in ancient America to come forth to declare God’s word, to bring souls to the Lord Jesus Christ and His restored gospel ’this day.’” — Ronald A. Rasband The Book of Mormon was prepared for our day! It was prepared for...
Find Your Way Back To Him -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“If you find your current path in conflict with your faith in the Savior, then please find your way back to Him. Your exaltation and that of your posterity depend on it.” — Larry S. Kacher Find your way to Jesus Christ and stay right next to Him. He is the way, the...
The Greatest Force Against Evil -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“There is no greater force against evil in this world than the love of a man and woman in marriage.” — Cardinal Raymond Burke The greatest power in existence against evil is marriage between a righteous man and a righteous woman that love each other, within the...
Steadfast And Immovable
“If we are steadfast and immovable in doing good, our customs will be in accordance with the principles of the gospel, and they will help us stay on the covenant path.” — Rafael E. Pino Our habits go a long way in helping us become the people we want to be. If we have...
Change Is Possible -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“And as we humble ourselves and exercise faith in Jesus Christ, the grace of Christ and His infinite atoning sacrifice make it possible to change.” — Kevin S. Hamilton Jesus Christ’s mercy and sacrifice makes it possible to change. As we become humble and have faith...
We Can Transform Our Divine Nature
“With the help of the Holy Ghost we can transform our divine nature into our eternal destiny.” — Dale G. Renlund The Holy Ghost comforts, guides and testifies of Christ. Each of these is critical to our success and growth in life, and following the Holy Spirit will do...
God Had Taken Over -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“God had taken over. Hearts were not just touched but changed forever. Twenty-one years of unbelief were washed away by the power of the Holy Ghost. A week later, Ken was baptized. A year later, Ken and Mary Kay were sealed in the house of the Lord for time and for...
See Your Life Through Him
“To help us to remain fixed and heading in the right direction, the Savior invites us to see our lives through Him, in order to see more of Him in our lives.” — Tracy Y. Browning When we put our focus on the Saviour, it provided clarity of choice as we go through...
A Disciple Is A State Of Being -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“Many people hear the word disciple and think it means only “follower.” But genuine discipleship is a state of being. This suggests more than studying and applying a list of individual attributes. Disciples live so that the characteristics of Christ are woven into the...
Its Wrong To Only Focus On The Rules
“Is it wrong to have rules? Of course not. We all need them every day. But it is wrong to focus only on rules instead of focusing on the Savior. You need to know the whys and the hows, and then consider the consequences of your choices.” — Dieter F. Uchtdorf The...
We Invite All Men Everywhere -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“We invite all men everywhere, all men of every nation and kindred and tongue and people, to come unto Christ and be perfected in him.” — Elder Bruce R. McConkie All are welcome to come unto Christ. His invitation extends to every nation, tongue, and people. All are...