Recent Blog Posts
Jesus Is Our Savior
“Jesus is a better savior than you are a sinner!” — Al Carraway There is nothing you can do that places you beneath the saving and redeeming grace and love of Jesus Christ! You are worth every effort. Jesus is our Savior!
Abide In Him And He In Us -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“The Savior’s promise to His followers is twofold: if we abide in Him, He will abide in us. But is it indeed possible for Christ to abide in you and me—individually and personally? The answer to this question is a resounding yes!” — David A. Bednar If we abide in...
You Have A Divine Spark Of Greatness
“There is within each of us a divine spark of greatness. Who knows of what we are capable if we only try?” — Joseph B. Wirthlin We are children of loving Heavenly Parents! Because of that, we have that divinity within us and our potential is to become like Them! We...
You Can Keep Going -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“Joseph repeatedly experienced severe difficulties in his life. However, as he exercised faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement and just kept going, he overcame seemingly insurmountable obstacles.” — Elder Carl B. Cook We all experience trials and difficulties in...
How We React To Adversity
“Adversities are temporary. What is permanent is what we become by the way we react to them.” — Dallin H. Oaks When life gets tough, we need to dig deep and rely on Christ. We do this by doing the things we all know we ought to be doing, such as reading scriptures,...
Our Savior Is Our Perfect Example -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“Our Savior is our perfect example. Because He is good, He can go about doing good. He blesses the one and the 99. He is ministering personified. We become more like Jesus Christ when we do “unto … the least of these” as we would unto Him, when we love our neighbor as...
We Can Recognize Plain Nonsense
“The Holy Ghost not only helps us recognize plain truth but plain nonsense.” — Neal A. Maxwell We need the clarity of the Holy Ghost. It sensitizes us to the filth that the media is broadcasting over cable, the internet and thru music. Only through the Holy Ghost can...
Worship In The Temple Changes You -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“I have attended the temple many times, but when I worship in the house of the Lord, it changes me. Sometimes while fasting, I find myself simply going hungry, but other times, I feast on the Spirit with purpose. I sometimes have mumbled prayers that are repetitive...
Never Give Up On Anyone
“Never give up on anyone. And that includes not giving up on yourself.” — Dieter F. Uchtdorf Giving ourselves grace can be a challenge, but if your best friend, spouse, or child explained to you they were struggling with something identical to what you are dealing...
Strengthen Your Bond With Them -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“We abide in Him by striving continually to strengthen our individual covenant bond with the Father and the Son. For example, praying sincerely to the Eternal Father in the name of His Beloved Son deepens and fortifies our covenant connection with Them.” — David A....
Last Day Alive
“Sometimes people ask, what would you do if you knew it was your last day alive? Well Jesus knew, and He washed feet!” — Sister Carraway Powerful statement of truth by Sister Carraway! Jesus served! He even washed Judas’ feet knowing He would be betrayed. He loves...
If You Go To The House Of The Lord You Will Be Blessed
“I know your lives are busy. I know that you have much to do. But I make you a promise that of you will go to the house of the Lord, you will be blessed; life will be better for you.” — Gordon B. Hinckley The Lord loves effort, and the Lord loves sacrifice. The...
Bear Witness Of Him -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“We cannot stand as witnesses of Jesus Christ until we can bear witness of Him. The Book of Mormon is another witness of Jesus Christ because throughout its sacred pages, one prophet after another testifies not only that Christ would come but that He did come.” —...
Real Love Does Not Support Sin -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“Real love for the sinner may compel courageous confrontation-not acquiescence! Real love does not support self-destructing behavior.” — President Russell M. Nelson When we see others engaging in sin, and self-destructive behavior, is is wrong not to speak up and...
Whatever Problems Or Questions You Have -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“Whatever questions or problems you have, the answer is always found in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Learn more about His atonement, His live, His mercy, His doctrine, And His restored gospel of healing and progression. Turn to Him! Follow Him!” — President...
Never Behave In An Uncivil Manner
“It is never an option to claim Jesus Christ as Savior and behave in an uncivil manner with anyone, under any circumstances. Never.” — Mark Demoss Probably a little hypocritical of me to even post this as I have been called a terrible member and surprised others that...
Council In Heaven -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“During the Council in Heaven in the premortal existence, the plan of salvation was discussed and sustained. It included certain laws and ordinances of the priesthood instituted before the foundation of the world and predicated upon the gathering. It also included the...
Relative Truth Is An Excuse
“Relative truth is an excuse for those who don’t want to follow… the correct path!” — Ulisses Soares Elder Soares with some truth bombs this week and he couldn’t be more right! Those who are looking for an out, while find something to pick at until they have justified...
We Begin To Abide In The Lord -Latterdayhelp Quotes
“We begin to abide in the Lord by exercising our moral agency to take upon ourselves His home through the covenants and ordinances of the restored gospel.” — Elder David A. Bednar How to we abide in Christ? Take upon yourself His yoke that He may lift your burdens....
Difficulty Results In Growth
“Often-perhaps usually- it is the difficult, demanding times of our lives that are the growth periods-the defining periods. They are the ones that take us from who we are now to who we are meant to be.” — Jeffery R. Holland Think of Adam and Eve, Joseph in Egypt,...