by Sherri Jorgensen | Dec 17, 2018 | Uncategorized
If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things. You live in a day of marvelous technologies that give you easy access to a wide variety of media, including the Internet, mobile devices, video games, television,...
by Sherri Jorgensen | Dec 17, 2018 | -Sherri Jorgensen, Adversary, Agency, anchor, Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives, Ask, Atonement, attitude, Awake and Arise, Book of Mormon, Carnal man, change the world, Charity, Come Unto Christ Artwork, Conversion, Courage, Desire, Discipleship, Divine Nature, Effort, Eternal Life, Exaltation, Faith, Faithful, Family, gathering, gathering Israel, Grace, Gratitude, greatest work, Happiness, Heavenly Father, Holy Ghost, Hope, Humility, Jesus Christ, Joy, judgment, Last Days, Latter Day Saints, life, Life of Wilson and Sarah Conover, Light, Light of Christ, Lost Ten Tribes, Love, Ministering, Missionary Work, Mormonism, Mortality, Obedience, Peace, perspective, Plan of Salvation, Remember, Repentance, Responsibility, restoration, Righteousness, Satan, Savior, Scriptures, Second Coming, Service, Sins, Spirit of the Lord, Teaching, Trials, Trust, Understanding
While reading 2 Nephi, chapter 8, I felt like I was having a personal counsel with my Heavenly Father. I’ve learned over the years to keep my family home evening lessons short. I figure I’ve got 5 minutes to share the important thing. Even with that, I...
by Sherri Jorgensen | Dec 15, 2018 | Uncategorized
If there is anything in your life you need to consider, now is the time. We live in a world of information overload, dominated by ever-increasing distractions that make it more and more difficult to sort through the commotion of this life and focus on things of...
by Sherri Jorgensen | Dec 14, 2018 | Uncategorized
A man came into my work with his dog, as we talked I found out he was an author. We talked about writing and he explained that he was actually a detective for 37 years. The reason he started writing was because he realized he had nothing to leave his kids. Years and...
by Sherri Jorgensen | Dec 13, 2018 | Uncategorized
The magnitude of our eternal happiness depends on choosing the living God and joining Him in His work. I can’t help them if they won’t let me, and there’s no one so hard to teach as the child who knows everything.” So they’ve got to do the next bit on their own.”...
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