8 Encouraging Quotes by Thomas S. Monson “An High Priest of Good Things to Come”

8 Encouraging Quotes by Thomas S. Monson “An High Priest of Good Things to Come”

Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don’t come until heaven; but for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come. For emotional health and spiritual stamina, everyone needs to be able to look forward to some respite, to something pleasant...
Come Follow Me Weekly Challenge: Jesus is the Christ (John 1)

Come Follow Me Weekly Challenge: Jesus is the Christ (John 1)

17 years ago we moved from Arizona to Iowa. Suddenly, I was no longer in a ward, but in a small branch. My church building wasn’t half a mile down the road, it was now a thirty minute drive. My stake boundaries that used to cover one square mile, now had a diameter of...
Embracing Our Own “Wilderness” Adventures: Alma 37 Part 3 (Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives)

Embracing Our Own “Wilderness” Adventures: Alma 37 Part 3 (Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives)

The other day while talking with my friend about her tough situation, and in an attempt to encourage her to stay strong even though the end is unknown, I told her, “You’ve stepped into the wilderness, left everything, and are allowing Heavenly Father to guide...
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