Hello and welcome to the eighth episode of season three of Church of Jesus Christ- Real Life Stories. My name is Spencer and I have a story about tithing from a good friend of mine. His name is Karl Filbey. 

So my family was never really poor but we got into some rough times when I was younger. My Dad lost his job and the savings bank account started to drop. It got so bad to the point where my parents had to decide if they were going to pay rent or use the money for tithing. Rent was due in about two days and there wasn’t enough money to pay rent and tithing. My parents remembered the blessings of tithing in the Bible.

“Bring ye all the ​​​tithes​ into the storehouse, that there may be ​​​meat​ in mine house, and ​​​prove​ me now herewith, saith the ​​Lord​​ of hosts, if I will not ​​​open​ you the ​​​windows of heaven​, and pour you out a ​​​blessing​, that ​there shall​ not ​be room​ enough ​to receive it.”

—Malachi 3:10

My parents with complete faith in the Lord gave up their money to tithing. We waited for a miracle….

Then a few hours later we heard a knock on the door. My father opened it and no one was there! However to his shock, there was an envelope on the ground. He picked it up and brought it inside the house. As my father opened the envelope, tears filled his eyes as he passed the envelope to my mother. There was enough  in that envelope for us to pay rent and to buy food. I want all of you to know to always pay tithing no matter how hard it is because God will bless you more than you can imagine. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 

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