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All topics and Images were made by @Latterdayhelp. You can find him on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. This post is part of the Church Of Jesus Christ- Real Life Stories series made by @Latterdayhelp. You can find more parts of the series on this website or on Instagram.

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Episode 1- The Story Of Olivia Smith

Hello guys and welcome to the first post of this series called Church Of Jesus Christ- Real Life Stories. I am @Latterdayhelp and this is the short story of @that_girl_olivia99. This is Olivia’s story about a dream that she had and a real life experience. 

I was an Atheist a while ago but, I had a vision while I was dreaming. In my dream, Jesus told me in that he would save me. Later that day I unfortunately had an asthma attack. During my asma attack, I went to the hospital and I think I saw angles. Then after I left the hospital, I somehow was set free from drugs, and other evil and sinful things. I later decided to be baptized to the correct church which is the LDS church. This is my story and thank you for listening. Make sure to follow @Latterdayhelp if you aren’t. And thank you @Latterdayhelp for doing this and sharing my story with other people. I can’t wait to see what other stories you have to share. 

Episode 2- The Story Of Suzi Hansen

Hello guys and welcome to this post. I am @Latterdayhelp and this is Suzi’s story. Her Instagram account is @teachingtempletruthstochildren and she also has a blog online with the same name. Her blog website is . Make sure to check out her blog and please follow her on Instagram. 

Some background for the story is that the story takes place during the Gulf war aka Operation Desert Storm. The war lasted from August 2, 1990 to February 28, 1991. This is Suzi’s story.

My husband went to war. As a matter of fact, nearly every man in our little ward went to war at the same time. Being a military wife, you know in the back of your mind that something like this could happen but when it does . . . The upside of the situation is that the women in this glorified branch formed into a solid phalanx ourselves. We had chocolate parties, took turns watching each other’s children for some much-needed time off and most memorably, we took Temple trips together. It was a long, long day but we made the most of it. We would do at least 3 sessions before getting back into the car for the long drive from Dallas back to central Louisiana. I found that doing more than one session in a day caused my eyes to open more, my mind to focus better and my spirit to soften and heal in ways I had never experienced. Looking back, I can see that those were some of my best memories, despite being some of the most difficult and scary days of my life. How far away are you from the Temple? How do you feel about it?

Episode 3- The Story Of Me Aka Spencer

There are many ways to know Christ. My name is Spencer aka @latterdayhelp and this is my story.

This story starts off a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…..
Just kidding! My story starts when I was a young child. I have heard about Jesus Christ in primary and in family home evening. I heard about his story and his ultimate sacrifice but I didn’t truly know him. Hearing about someone is completely different from knowing someone. I have come to know Christ through service and many other ways. If you take the time, even just a few seconds to do something for someone, you are getting to know Christ more! 

If we do what Jesus did, we can come to know him for who he truly is. Jesus did so much and he died for us. Jesus died so that we can repent but one of the reasons he did for us was so we can live for him. We need to live as if we were Christ. Jesus didn’t need to die since he was perfect but he died for us. I have also come to know him throughout scripture study. Notice how I didn’t say scripture reading. Studying and reading your scriptures are completely different. The scriptures speak of Christ and what he did as well as what he preached. We can come to know Christ by learning about him and acting as if we were him. Thank you guys for listening to my story.Hopefully this inspired you to find more about Christ if you haven’t done so yet.

Episode 4- The Story Of Kelsey

This story is from @joyfully_enduring. Please follow her. She posts some really original stuff! 
This amazing story shows how God can warn us in times of danger and how we can grow closer to God and Christ during our trials. This happened in the year of 2020. This is Kelsey’s story. 

One of my most faith building experiences happened to me at the beginning of last year. In January I was in a lot of pain and felt super sick and I wasn’t recovering, I didn’t think anything was wrong though and fought through the pain until one evening in March. The pain was unbearable and I couldn’t sleep. I knelt down to pray that the pain and sickness would go away. However when I began my prayer I felt like I should instead pray to know if something was wrong with me. After praying I was finally able to sleep and the next day I woke up in excruciating pain. I went to school and couldn’t stop shaking. I couldn’t eat, I had trouble breathing, I felt miserable. Then I remembered my prayer. I knew something was wrong.

So I went to the doctor that day which led to many more months of doctor visits and tests and eventually a surgery to remove my gallbladder. That time in my life was pretty scary. The not knowing what was wrong, the pain, the thoughts that crossed my mind. But because of this trial I was able to turn to Christ. I spent a lot of time on my knees praying for peace and healing and praying for the doctors. I studied the scriptures. I was able to receive a wonderful priesthood blessings. And I grew closer to the Savior. I learned to rely on Him and trust His will and know that eventually everything would be okay.

Episode 5 Part One- The Story Of Ldsrprlpodcast

This is the story of @Ldsrprlpodcast Please make sure to check out her account and podcast because she really does an amazing job! This is part one of two. 

When I was very young, a relative of mine started to sexually abuse me.  It lasted a few years and it truly affected my mind, my brain in a way that was so damaging, I was lost most of my adult life.  I had been lost and found and then lost and found again many times as I battled the demons that came with abuse of this type.  Add to that being in a home with a Marine Father and a CEO Mother, our home was unique.  They worked a lot to support us 5 kids.  I am in the middle with 2 older brothers and 2 younger brothers.  I am the only girl, so I don’t believe I really experienced the middle child syndrome some people talk about.  This is just background for you.

Because of the abuse that occurred while my parents were at work, I was often alone with my abuser.  Although my memory has been spotty for many years about details, I can tell you that it was in those moments of suffering that Christ was with me.  As I grew older, because of my need to survive temporally & spiritually, I was given many opportunities to pray and learn the language of the spirit.  Because of my age, I don’t remember ever thinking I need to learn the language of the spirit OR I can’t hear the still small voice.  In God’s mercy and love, I have understood the voice of the Lord as far back as I can remember.  I will not profess to be literate and understand every time I receive promptings/inspiration, but I am confident enough to act on the inspiration, typically, immediately because of the natural relationship that was built with the greatest Comforter given to man in the absence of Christ, the Holy Ghost.  He spent many days and nights with me.  He strengthened me, he protected me, he loved me, and he gave me God’s grace.  Without any of this, I would have committed suicide long ago.  It was the close relationship that was built with the spirit of God that helped me to understand that I am never to take my own life.

You see, I have tried to live my major moments in life considering what Father & Christ would want me to do. I know suicide would give them the greatest sorrow and I couldn’t do that to them.  Plus there was an abiding peace placed within me I didn’t understand.  For some reason, I knew I would survive and at some point in my life, I would thrive consistently instead of just having moments of success/serenity/peace.  That constant peace/serenity/success would be felt and given through God’s great mercy when I met my third husband 11 years ago in Venture, CA.

Being that I grew up in the church, primary had taught me the important basics of prayer, scriptures, testimony, faith, and so on.  My Dad taught me how to find my own testimony when I turned 8 and wasn’t sure about getting baptized because of what happened to me.  I love Heavenly Father and Jesus, but I was also upset that they allowed this pain to form who I am throughout my life.  That type of trauma and abuse changes a person.  Typically they either die inside and fake it to the entire world, they die inside and everyone can see it, OR the magic happens.  The miracle of all miracles, when one can finally understand the atonement enough to utilize it to empower them to invite peace and serenity in their life through forgiveness and understanding that just as Christ has overcome the world, He too has helped me to overcome my demons and the devil.  His power is infinite.  This is what happened to me, the magic happened in the form of mercy, faith, great love, tenderness, and the simple fact that God knows me intimately because I am His daughter and Christ’s too.  That will never change and it brings me so much comfort to know that I don’t have to fake anything with them.  They not only know every hair on my head, but every cell in my body and spirit.  I can be me with them and they love me anyways. It has taken me a long time to get to this point.

Because of the abuse, I developed many addictions to drown out the depression, suffering, and sorrow I would experience from time to time.  I was so confused about my sexuality when I left high school.  I was confused about intimacy.  I was confused about relationships.  So, I allowed men to use me and hurt me because when you are traumatized and have that type of PTSD, you do not love yourself.  Self harm is a typical way of handling trauma and I did this in very extreme ways, unfortunately.  I experimented with many drugs, became addicted to wine, smoked since I was 9 years old, and hated myself.  Yet throughout all of this, I still believed.  I know the church is Christ’s church.  I knew the gospel was true.  I just didn’t have the strength to develop the coping skills and spiritual tool chest to deal with my trauma for most of my life.  For a long time I wished death and slow pain for my abuser and those desires ate me up inside.  After years of feeling this way, I became a hard, bitter, mean person inside.  My dreams were filled with all things devilish, especially the gruesome ways in which I would exact revenge.  After trying to drown out my sorrows with anything I could get my hands on, I finally realized I had to reach out to my Bishop and I didn’t know who that was.  Most of my adult life I had been inactive, but the nice thing about my family, my parents have always been active.  All I had to do was call my parents and they would connect me with my Bishop or whoever I needed at the time.  I was rewarded with a star-studded basketball coach as my bishop from BYU.  His reputation preceded him in my town and I wasn’t sure if he could handle all I had going on and my needs.  So, I called him directly and told him I needed to meet with him.  That I hadn’t been to church in a long time and needed help.

 I went to church at the appointed time, walked into his office, sat down and he looked at me.  When he took in my whole self, including my spiritual self, he knew I was in deep pain.  He didn’t feel sorry for me, he didn’t make me feel bad or anything like that.  He loved me and told me he could help.  My mom bought me a book called the “Peacegiver” and my bishop worked on me the silent way bishops do.  Name on the temple roll, checking in with me as if he did it everyday my whole life, stopping by my home to take me away from my everyday suffering and brightening my day with his powerful faith and the holy ghost.  I read one chapter of that book.  That’s all it took for me to have a spiritual experience so powerful that I was able to finally forgive my abuser.  You know how it feels carrying this around for almost 30 years? That kind of hate and desire for retribution?  It never affected him.  It only affected me.  My Bishop helped me to see this and the spirit of God did too.  It was like the tallest, highest, heaviest mountain was removed from my being and I felt so light that I was going to float to the clouds.  Yet this still didn’t get me active in the church.  

My wounds were deep, and my need to self medicate was a cavernous pit that was never filled for long. I had my first son at 19, next at 21, divorced by 25, remarried by 28, divorced by 38, and my children were done with school.  Suddenly I had an empty home with no place to call my own and no children to keep myself busy with or to get love from.  After my second divorce, I felt like a complete failure and didn’t have a compass to my ship.  I aimlessly sailed on and on in the roughest, dirtiest of seas which seemed to overcome me daily.  I sunk into a deep abyss and lost myself in torturing myself and bringing harm to my body.  It is a vicious cycle that often doesn’t make sense to those who do not understand.  It is my own personal hell on earth created by someone else then nurtured, unwittingly, by me.

Then I decided to go on a dating app.  I will never forget this.  August of 2011.  There were many reasons I went on there.  To find friends mostly because I was always taking care of my family, and didn’t have time for friends.  Plus, I got along better with men than women as is my nature; I come from a family dominated by men.  I met a few great guys and had lots of fun.  Some men were lost themselves in a deep darkness that I recognized immediately from my own experiences I endured. Thankfully, even though I wasn’t active in the church, the Holy Ghost still tended to me in my moments of ignorance and protected me.  I have always appreciated God helping me to see His hand in the fine details of my life.

At the time I was still working for our family business of over 20 years plus.  I had stepped outside for a smoke break and went to the app store on my iphone.  They promote certain apps weekly and this dating app was being promoted with fun pics of adults having fun and enjoying each other’s company.  It was called Jazzed and no longer exists.  I downloaded the app and perused the profile pics.  I came across a picture of this gloriously big buff man, beard, long hair, snapback on, arms crossed, obviously a weightlifter, tattoos all over and he had mad style.  He is my type, I have always been attracted to men that look like him, so I told myself keep scrolling woman!  The goal here is to move on and meet decent men, not to repeat my mistakes! 

I kept scrolling and looking at profiles, but this picture just struck me hard and I had to go back to his profile.I checked out his profile tag, it’s like a quick description of yourself, and it said tatted up high school teacher.  I thought immediately, he has to be educated.  What a walking contradiction?  Growing up in the Central Valley of California, there were men who weren’t working.  Lots of them and most seemed to be shady, like womanizers. A lot of men weren’t educated and I was done with uneducated, unfocused men who were looking for a sugar mama.  I wasn’t going to be that for any man again.  I have always taken care of myself pretty well because I had 2 boys that relied on me.   I needed to find a man I could respect.  Who hustled like me, who was driven, who was decent with morals and values, someone with integrity. 

Where oh where would I find a man like that?  I tried church dances, but I was foolish.  Who was I going to fool.  I still wasn’t active in the church and didn’t want to fool these guys into thinking that I would go back to church.  You see, at that time, I wasn’t ready.  Yes I knew the church was true, yes I knew it was the best thing for me, but that meant I had to have strength to change my entire life.  I didn’t have it.  So, I finally messaged this guy on the Jazzed app, but there was something about him I couldn’t shake.  This was the end of July 2011, and he said he had to go back to work at the end of August. We decided to meet each other and the halfway point was Bakersfield CA since I am from Fresno and he is from Ventura, CA.

We met at the Marriott Hotel which had a fabulous restaurant.  I got there early so I could watch him walk in, not him watching me walk in to the hotel.  I sat down in the lobby, got comfy, and pulled out my phone.  I was on my phone managing emails and texts when I remembered why I was there and looked to my left where the double doors were from the parking lot.  These were glass double doors, very large, floor to ceiling, and I couldn’t see!  So I grabbed my purse, stood up and as soon as I looked around the large pillar in my way, there he was…..and everything promptly moved into slow motion.  He walked down the middle of the parking lot lane and oh my gosh, was he so handsome!  He walked with a confidence yet there was something in his walk that communicated to me that he was a bit shy.  He came through the double doors, and although I tried so hard to play it cool, I couldn’t stop smiling from ear to ear!  Like the cheshire cat….the smile wouldn’t go away.  He came in for a hug, I am part Hawaiian, so I went in for a peck on the cheek as is custom, and he thought I was trying to kiss him and he turned away LOL.

  I couldn’t believe it, but I didn’t find out until after the fact that he thought I was going to kiss him.  Again, I thought it was because he was so introverted. We sat down at the table and he sat across from me.  His eyes were lit up the brightest green I had ever seen with literal bursts of gold flecks throughout them like the sun was shining through his eyes.  I had never seen anything like it before!  He was charismatic, oh so charming, funny, the attraction was strong, and we had a wonderful evening.  Quickly I traveled to Ventura within the next 2 weeks to visit some more and see if there was anything there worth pursuing.

 I showed up and we had a fabulous time.  We shopped, ate, drank, and I found that Ventura was right next to the ocean.  I had always wanted to live by the ocean, but with my first divorce I couldn’t move my children, so they could see their father regularly.  I spent a few days with him, then traveled back home, got to work and that was it.  Then he called and invited me back. I worked from home so it was easy for me to visit.  Again, we had another visit that was memorable and magical.  I hadn’t felt this way ever and I had been married and in relationships more than a few times.  I didn’t really understand what was going on but I knew I felt this tether building between us and when I would leave, it would get painful to leave as we stretched that tether from Ventura to Fresno.

Next time I visited, my boyfriend at the time, had torn a tendon in his elbow.  He had surgery and needed someone to help him for 6 weeks.  Seeing as how my kids were living elsewhere and I was pretty much free to work anywhere that had internet, I came back and took care of him.  That is when we fell in love. 
Fast forward almost 2 years, my brother from Utah had sent one of his young men called to the ventura mission field our names and number to contact us.  My brother had explained to him my situation and that I was living with my boyfriend.  He actually did call me, but he was being transferred already and told me he would give our number to the next missionaries.  I said OK but wasn’t really interested at the time in becoming active.  My boyfriend and I had lengthy, spirit filled conversations but i hadn’t told him I was LDS or that my family was LDS.  Mostly because my first husband converted and stopped going to church quickly, so if he wanted to find out about the church it would have to be through his request.  Sure enough, around this time the young man had called and I knew my boyfriend wanted to investigate the church because we were getting serious.

Episode 5 Part Two- The Story Of Ldsrprlpodcast

This is the story of @Ldsrprlpodcast Please make sure to check out her account and podcast because she really does an amazing job! This is part two of two. If you haven’t check out part one please do so. 

The discussions began……he soaked it up!  He loved everything about the gospel, he would read more than asked, and he was anxious to get baptized.  Now that was tricky because I wasn’t willing to get married again.  The missionaries that came to our door were sister missionaries.  They were perfect for my boyfriend at that time and actually stayed through several transfers which we thought of as a miracle.  They asked him if he wanted to get baptized and he said yes.  Then they said well, if you want to get baptized you have to stop living together.  We told them that wasn’t happening.  We ended up meeting with the bishop who told us we could live together but needed to abstain from anything that would affect the law of chastity and us keeping it.  That was so weird!  But we did it.  And you know what, it was amazing.  It is so worth abstaining until marriage.  I wish I had done this many years ago, but my life was meant to be different than what I thought it should be from the start of it. 

We were married on a friday, he was baptized on a saturday, and confirmed and given the holy ghost on sunday.  It was a whirlwind weekend fraught with issues such as his Dad.  He didn’t like that his son was getting baptized, he would have preferred him be a Baptist. He said some things the day of the baptism that kind of ruined it, but thankfully we were able to work it through and move on.  My husband has finally forgiven his Father and they have had a close relationship for a long time.  His Dad hasn’t been converted even though we have tried, but he is kind and considerate now about our faith and work in the church.  We have seen so many blessings come from our obedience and his Father has seen that too although not enough to get him to take the plunge :).

I found myself at church sunday after sunday sitting there for 3 hours.  I was getting frustrated because I wanted to support him, but I wasn’t ready for all of this yet.  I still smoked and drank and didn’t want to give it up yet! 

One sunday we showed up late and sat in the back.  During the sacramental song, I was so overcome with the spirit with christ that I couldn’t stop crying.  I couldn’t sing, and I couldn’t gather myself.  At the end of sacrament a few people came to see how I was doing and I was so embarrassed.  But, I knew, it was time.  I either step up to the plate or I would lose my then boyfriend.  Thankfully I made the right choice 🙂  The tender mercies have not stopped flowing on us since I met him.  Father in heaven blessed us even in worldly circumstances and brought us together through great love, devotion, and hope for us.  The 3 months after the baptism was miserable.  No one talks about the adversarial attacks after you make righteous decisions.  With the help of my parents, a good bishop, and friends in our ward, we overcame the proving time I like to call it and learned a lot.  Mostly, we learned that we have faith and love the gospel and love christ.  The gospel plan of happiness truly is that and we want everything that is made available to us from this great plan of joy. We were sealed one year later at the temple, I had a sweet visionary experience of my husband and me, and we have been working as ward missionaries ever since.  Among other callings ;).  Typically in my ward you hold more than one calling and we do most of the time.  We love it, but it is hard sometimes to do it all.  So we take comfort in the counsel not to run faster than we can walk.

I remember at my first temple recommend interview there was a question at the end that asked something like if i felt i was worthy to enter into God’s house.  I said oh yes, for the first time in my life I feel like I would be welcomed into the celestial kingdom and it was so wonderful, that feeling.  I look back on that now and giggle but i was so naive to the ways of the church and yet it was truly what i felt.  You see, the church was a club I could never quite participate in all it offered because I had always had a vice.  I finally was able to partake of it all, including my patriarchal blessing, and there is no looking back.  I will never do anything to compromise my discipleship again.  I am devoted and my husband is. Life is so much better with the gospel in our lives and the faith we build and the spirit nurtures.  

We have had an amazing life since we came into the gospel.  We have easy comparisons and are so grateful.  I hope something in this strikes you.  It certainly has rooted us.  One quick last story.

My husband loves to read the Ensigns.  The scriptures were a bit foreign to him at first so he started with the magazine.  He had been reading them for awhile, he loves how they talk about what we deal with today and gives hope/direction, when at my parents’ home he was sitting at the kitchen table reading an article and he felt this warm wrap around him, like a hug, like a warm blanket and the words spoken to him, “you are home.”  Unforgettable! Thanks for listening to my story and if you don’t mind, check out my Instagram page and my podcast!

Episode 6- The Story Of Ldsisthetruth

This is a story that @ldsisthetruth sent me. This is his personal story on how he was able to obtain a testimony about this church and why it is the one and only true church. 

First off I just want to say thank you to @Latterdayhelp for doing this and for everything he has done for me. A while in the past I was struggling and you helped me. Thank you for that. 

A while ago when Thomas S. Monson was alive he said “My dear associates in the work of the Lord, I implore each of us to prayerfully study and ponder the Book of Mormon each day. As we do so, we will be in a position to hear the voice of the Spirit, to resist temptation, to overcome doubt and fear, and to receive heaven’s help in our lives. I so testify with all my heart in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.”

When the prophet at the time said this, I immediately felt as if the prophet was speaking to me. Up until that moment, I didn’t realize that it was a while since I had read the Book of Mormon. As I reflect back to this moment, I can see that my testimony was fading and I am shocked that I didn’t see that was happening to me at the time. 
I started to study the Book of Mormon like never before and felt like I needed to take the advice of the prophet. A few months later I came upon the part when Mormon invites us to ask God if the book is correct and true.
I did so and felt nothing. I came to the conclusion at that moment that the church was false and that I had been deceived when out of nowhere, I felt the peace and warmth in my chest as it spread throughout my body. I broke down and wept. I realized at that time that I needed to keep working on my testimony or else I would be lost. I am still very grateful to this day that God was patient enough to almost immediately give me my answer when he could of done it a few hours to days later. 

Episode 7- The Story Of Nicole Metler

My name is Nicole and this is my personal story! I hope you enjoy. 

My name is Nicole Metler and I’m twenty one. My story is about how I found out who I truly am. I never really understood who I was until April of 2016. I was sixteen at the time and my vision of myself was distorted. I saw myself negatively. I didn’t think I was enough. Then around March of that year one of my friends started to get me go with his ward to the temple. They went every week. I started to feel better about who I was. Back in 2015 I got interviewed for my patriarchal blessing, but because they were so backed up it took forever for me to get mine. I got it on April 12th. Having gone to the temple helped me to prepare for it. I also prayed a bunch that I’d get what I’d need for the rest of my life and I fasted. And then I got it. It was so amazing. It was as if I got to look inside myself and see who I was in the premortal existence and who I am going to be. My patriarchal blessing has helped me so much. It gives me something to hope for. It gives me purpose. Thanks for listening to my story. My Instagram account is @nix_chix7

Episode 8- The Story Of Sean Layton

Hi everyone! My name is @seanryanlayton and I’m a Latter-day Saint.
Leaving out most of the details (Because of privacy reasons) , here’s my story:

  I was born in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. A kid couldn’t have asked for a better childhood. My parents were & are absolutely wonderful people. Growing up as the oldest of four, I was a good kid, but in my teenage years I began to make some poor choices.  I never went to parties during high school, but I do recall participating in things I was taught not to participate in. Especially during High School, I was introduced by many worldly ideas and concepts that left me with underlying doubts about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, I remained faithful. 

I was accepted into BYU Provo and had a wonderful experience for several semesters until I was called to the Peru Lima North Mission in South America. I took up the mantle and served the people of Peru with my full heart.

Upon returning home everything began to flip upside down.  When I returned to school, many of the things which I hadn’t fully repented of before my mission began to enter back into my life. The wrong places of the internet. Anti-material. Chai Tea. Girls. Suddenly I felt miserable being around other church members. I yearned to have an “adventure” my way… rather than the Lord’s way. I transferred schools, and decided to leave God’s true church. This was the worst decision of my life. Things started out great. The principles of the gospel which I was raised with gave me the momentum to be successful in certain aspects but as I lost belief and became completely “secular”/”agnostic atheist”/”humanist”/”non-religious”/”anti-religious” my choices began to erode my character. I joined the military and eventually lived in Los Angeles. Many of the gifts which God gave me in my life stayed with me, but little by little, I became lost in the mists of darkness (the sins of the world).

After nearly a decade, the Lord finally brought me back. While truly repenting was harder than anything I’d ever done up until that point, somehow, I survived. I was nearly led to physical (and spiritual) destruction on multiple occasions trying to become restored unto God, and wish that nobody would ever have to go through what I did. Keeping the commandments is how we can prosper in the land. As I studied the scriptures, prayed, and remembered the things which my parents taught me, my mind began to become enlightened once again. I was able to be around people more and to act less selfishly. I once again held an eternal perspective rather than a temporal one and my love for others began to expand. I am a witness to the power of God, and know that we have a loving Heavenly Father who answers prayers. I know that Jesus Christ atoned for our sins. The relationship I have with Him is real and He has healed me in more ways than I can possibly comprehend at this time. He’s changed my weaknesses into strengths, and continues to do so each day. He is powerful to save. I know that His true church is restored upon the Earth, even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You can know this too, by reading the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Thank you for listening and taking the time to read my story.

Episode 9- The Story Of Blake Wardle

My name is Blake Wardle and this is my story. I hope you receive inspiration! My Instagram account is @blake_wardledugan

A long time ago when I was at school one day I was sitting next to my friend in class. I had just gotten out of lunch and was happily full. My friend and I talked and talked while doing class work and eventually she had brought up that she was hungry and luckily I had plenty of food in my lunchbox so I gave her a few granola bars. She told me that she was hungry because her father had lost his job and her family could no longer afford food. This has shocked me completely. From that moment on I have always packed extra food for the day for her, and every time I shared with her I could just see that it made her day a little better, her load a little lighter, and her mood a little happier. This small service that I do may not be a large project of a grand scale, but it is simple, pure, Christ-like service that has blessed the life of another. I know that by small and simple things great things come to pass. If we do simple and small services for others, then not only will their lives be blessed but ours as well, for when you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are in the service of your God. I testify that service is beautiful thing and that we should willingly help others, for something as small as a granola bar may be a great blessing to another child of our Lord. I testify these truths in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Episode 10- The Story Of Another Person That Is Strange

This is @another_person_that_is_strange’s story. This is how they were able to know the truth about the church. This is their story.

My story begins like this, I started to fall away from the church after I got baptized and I felt like I couldn’t feel the spirit and I didn’t believe in it anymore. I was prompted to read the book of Mormon again and I felt the spirit once more I have regained my faith since then and if you are having trouble believing I suggest you reread the Book of Mormon and asked local missionaries for some lessons. Thank you for reading my story! 

Episode 11- The Story Of Parker Folsom

Serving in Canada was incredible, being able to live in the place where my dad grew up and to preach the gospel here was one of the most treasured experiences that I have had and will have.

Throughout my mission I was able to experience the spirit in many different ways but throughout my mission the most powerful spiritual experiences I had came from giving priesthood blessings. Every time I had the opportunity to act as the hands of the lord it felt like such a special privilege. Because each time I participated in a priesthood blessing I could feel the love the lord had for the people receiving the blessings. Its a feeling like none other I have ever experienced. Those special moments taught a lot about our relationship with God. He truly does love us and he cares so deeply about who we are and where we are at in life. Because of that love he has for us I know that we can all talk with him through prayer and receive guidance through blessings when we need them. I love the gospel of Jesus Christ and the opportunity to be a tool in the hands of the lord. Because of the experiences I’ve had I want nothing more in life than to stay worthy of the priesthood. To always be ready and able to do whatever the lord asks of me. And if I can do that till I die, I know I’ll have lived a beautiful life. Thank you for your time- Parker Folsom. 
My Instagram account is @parkerfolsom

Episode 12 Parts One And Two. The Story Of Todd Bruce
You can find both parts here.
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