“In this, the Church of Jesus Christ, I have had many opportunities to minister and serve my fellow man. It is at those times when I feel that Heavenly Father lightens my burdens.”

— Moisés Villanueva

When we serve and help others, Heavenly Father lightens our burdens and helps us with our trials. Through The Church of Jesus Christ we are presented with people who need our help, and that helps us become more like Christ. 

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Almost All Will Receive A Kingdom Of Glory

During Times Of Trial And Adversity, We Can Recognize The Difficulties Of Others 

We Must Build Our Foundation On Jesus Christ Who Is The Rock 

All Shall Be Judged And Receive According To Their Own Works

Each Of Us Is A Prince Or Princess 

Seek To Become His True Disciples

What Would A Holy Young Adult Do? 

Three Important Truths

Serve Your Fellow Man

Satan Does Not Want You To Think You Can Change

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