Welcome to the final episode of season two! It was a fun journey to share these stories with you all. If you haven’t seen season one or have seen the other episodes of season two, you can find them on the spiritual crusade website. The person that sent me this story wanted to remain anonymous so we will call this person Maxwell. This is Maxwell’s story of one of his experiences on his mission. 

I was unsure what I wanted to do in life before my mission… I grew up in the church but lacked faith, after some good influences and help I was able to change. The first week was rough, I was homesick but it’s been a lot of fun and I’ve loved every minute of it since!

At the beginning of January of 2019, I went caroling with several other missionaries. Of course, there were rejections but I will never stop trying. This is because knowing the message that we have and the joy that it can come into someone’s life when they do accept it. It will all be worth it for them in the end. 

I was prideful early on in my mission and through that, I knew more than I actually did. on this mission, I learned a lot about my savior Jesus Christ. I know that God lives and Christ is our savior. He’s the life, light, and hope that people have come to learn.

My hardest rejection happened just a few weeks ago when a person ripped into us for 20 minutes just for knocking on his door. We tried to leave as respectfully as we could. I am thankful for the experiences I was able to have on my mission and even though I faced some tough times, my testimony was able to grow. 
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