Hi everyone! My name is @seanryanlayton and I’m a Latter-day Saint.
Leaving out most of the details (Because of privacy reasons) , here’s my story:

  I was born in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. A kid couldn’t have asked for a better childhood. My parents were & are absolutely wonderful people. Growing up as the oldest of four, I was a good kid, but in my teenage years I began to make some poor choices.  I never went to parties during high school, but I do recall participating in things I was taught not to participate in. Especially during High School, I was introduced by many worldly ideas and concepts that left me with underlying doubts about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, I remained faithful.  

I was accepted into BYU Provo and had a wonderful experience for several semesters until I was called to the Peru Lima North Mission in South America. I took up the mantle and served the people of Peru with my full heart. 

Upon returning home everything began to flip upside down.  When I returned to school, many of the things which I hadn’t fully repented of before my mission began to enter back into my life. The wrong places of the internet. Anti-material. Chai Tea. Girls. Suddenly I felt miserable being around other church members. I yearned to have an “adventure” my way… rather than the Lord’s way. I transferred schools, and decided to leave God’s true church. This was the worst decision of my life. Things started out great. The principles of the gospel which I was raised with gave me the momentum to be successful in certain aspects but as I lost belief and became completely “secular”/”agnostic atheist”/”humanist”/”non-religious”/”anti-religious” my choices began to erode my character. I joined the military and eventually lived in Los Angeles. Many of the gifts which God gave me in my life stayed with me, but little by little, I became lost in the mists of darkness (the sins of the world).

After nearly a decade, the Lord finally brought me back. While truly repenting was harder than anything I’d ever done up until that point, somehow, I survived. I was nearly led to physical (and spiritual) destruction on multiple occasions trying to become restored unto God, and wish that nobody would ever have to go through what I did. Keeping the commandments is how we can prosper in the land. As I studied the scriptures, prayed, and remembered the things which my parents taught me, my mind began to become enlightened once again. I was able to be around people more and to act less selfishly. I once again held an eternal perspective rather than a temporal one and my love for others began to expand. I am a witness to the power of God, and know that we have a loving Heavenly Father who answers prayers. I know that Jesus Christ atoned for our sins. The relationship I have with Him is real and He has healed me in more ways than I can possibly comprehend at this time. He’s changed my weaknesses into strengths, and continues to do so each day. He is powerful to save. I know that His true church is restored upon the Earth, even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You can know this too, by reading the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Thank you for listening and taking the time to read my story.

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