Charles and Nelda were about to have their third child, when one night Charles saw an evil, dark personage who told him he was going to do everything he could to destroy their baby boy. That baby boy was my father, Wilson. If you were to ask Wilson about this experience he would tell that those evil spirits didn’t work very hard on him. As one of his 12 children, I can testify that they have never stopped working on my father and my mother, but they are sin-resistant. They live their lives so close to the Lord that the devils have no power over them! I am a witness to this. I was privileged to live in their home, where the spirit of the Lord dwelt uninterrupted, due to the diligent sacrifices of my parents to live the gospel of Jesus Christ both in word and in action. They lived everything they taught with exactness, including tapping into the power of the atonement. I am a witness to that as well. I suppose they were not perfect, because the scriptures tell us no one who ever lives will be perfect except Jesus Christ himself. But they were perfect in my eyes. They showed us how to combat weaknesses, even weaknesses that could be justified as genetically passed on. They worked tirelessly to eliminate those actions and things in their lives that were not 100% in accordance with the gospel. They loved all of their children in and through our own weaknesses, with nothing less than charity, the pure love of Christ. They forgave with an eye single to the Lord, never requiring us to endure any deeper agony than we already suffered from the wrongs we made. They raised strong, valiant generals who are ready to lead the Lord’s battalion with the same exactness that Wilson and Sarah exhibited in following the Lord and his prophets and apostles. Oh! How those devils wish that their tactics had worked, because now instead of two Christ-loving, gospel-following, commandment-keeping people, there are now almost 90 of us, and counting. Can you imagine how quickly this is going to continue to multiply? There is no doubt that those devils started the day my father and mother were born, to prey endlessly on them, to try and stop their unwavering, unfaltering, faithful journey down the straight and narrow path that leads to the tree of life, from which my parents could not be detoured. Through their endless and constant prayers, they never even glanced at the tall and spacious building. They didn’t have time–they were too focused on making sure all their little munchkins were safe on the path as well. When one slipped off, they never even gave notice to what direction the slip was headed, they just focused on getting the hands of their children back in the Savior’s hands, so that we could be lifted back safely on the path and continue on. There is nothing one of their children, grandchildren, friends, or strangers could do to stop my parents from believing that everyone could and would make it to the tree of life. They truly see everyone as children of God, full of infinite worth and purpose. The safest place on the path to eternal life is next to Wilson and Sarah, because they will shepherd you along the path that leads to joy, and eventually to God.
“It is in keeping their covenants with exactness that those “who are the elect according to the covenant” avoid deception and remain firm in the faith of Christ.” -By Elder D. Todd Christofferson
You know what I love most about this? I love that as real as Satan is, and as powerful as his devils are, God is more powerful and awesome. I love that at the same time that the devils commit to destroying us, God is committed to saving us. I love that as we choose the covenant path, and devote our lives to Christ, our desire to bring everyone with us increases. As we love the Lord, our hearts grow, and we love everyone. The only ones that gets left out of this plan is Satan and his devils. Let them be miserable unto themselves. Let’s choose Christ and let’s all go together!
“Our loving Heavenly Father wants His children to have the joy that is the purpose of our creation. That joyful destiny is eternal life, which we can obtain by pressing forward along what our prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, often calls “the covenant path.” Here is what he said in his first message as President of the Church: “Keep on the covenant path. Your commitment to follow the Savior by making covenants with Him and then keeping those covenants will open the door to every spiritual blessing and privilege available to men, women, and children everywhere.” -Dallin H. Oaks
I love that I was one of the fortunate ones who got to call Wilson and Sarah, “mom” and “dad”. I love that they followed Christ daily by word and deed. They lived the gospel 100%, and taught us to follow the prophet with exactness. I love that LOVE was the treasure in our home. May we build a foundation for our own children of pure faith and devotion to Christ. May we fortify it daily with prayer, scriptures, and love.
“The first great commandment of all eternity is to love God with all of our heart, might, mind, and strength–that’s the first great commandment. But the first great truth of all eternity is that God loves us with all of His heart, might, mind, and strength. That love is the foundation stone of eternity, and it should be the foundation stone of our daily life.” -Jeffrey R. Holland
-Sherri Jorgensen
I loved reading this great tribute to your parents. They truly have a loving posterity. You have done an excellent job in writing this. Thanks Sherri.