I can remember my grandmother praying over everything. She often wouldn’t even wait for us to get ready, she would just start praying whenever she saw a need. I also have countless memories of seeing my parents on their knees by their bed praying together. I love prayer!!!!! It is what gets me through every day.
Recently I began to change the way I see prayer. Instead of calling it a ‘prayer’I think of it as ‘counseling with my Father in Heaven’.
Think about it…
When you say, “oh, I forgot to pray this morning,” it often can feel like we forgot to talk on our knees. However when you say “I forgot to counsel with my Father in Heaven this morning” It feels more like we have really missed out on a two way conversation. It feels like a greater loss. Like we really missed out on an opportunity to receive inspiration and guidance. Now I personally don’t get a lot of answers on my knees, I usually get answers as I’m going about the day, they come as thoughts to my mind. So why then would I consider my morning prayer as an opportunity to counsel? The answer is all in my attitude about the prayer. I want to come, not just with a list of gratitude items and another list of needs, but with an attitude of true communication. Where I can ask questions and voice concerns. Where I can seek guidance and direction and have absolute faith that in His time the needed information will be given.
Alma 37:37
Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good; yea, when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God; and if ye do these things, ye shall be lifted up at the last day.
This is the most beautiful idea ever! I'm excited for my children as well! Instead of "pray about it"…I'm going to tell them to council with the Lord! 🙂