Joseph Smith

I grew up a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and always believed what I was taught, I never really questioned the veracity of it.  One day I found myself in Santiago, Chile as a missionary in the home of a very humble family that appeared...

Big Brother

Growing up I wasn’t ever really sure what I wanted to do for work, but I was sure about one thing, whatever it was, I wanted to be doing it with my older brother John.  He was always there to give me counsel when I was being an idiot, and guidance when it was...

Free Market

Here is an example of how the free market has benefited some of the people here in Utah, as well as around the country.  When I started as a dentist, I purchased a very nice office from the bank because the previous dentist had gone under due to the competitive...

Willing Heart and Mind

Our Father in Heaven needs valiant servants, and the requirements are a willing heart and mind, that is all.  He can turn us into whatever he needs to if our hearts and minds will do His will.  1 Chronicles 28:9 And thou, Solomon my son, know thou the God of...

6th Sense

I had a dream last night where I was up on the stage of a talk show, and the host asked me to explain why I believe in the church on a stage in front of a lot of mocking people.  My response was something like this.We all have a 6th sense, our conscience that...
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