My talk will be based off of President Monson’s talk “An Attitude of Gratitude”. He starts out with the most well known example of gratitude in the scriptures, the 10 lepers. In Luke 17: 11-19 it reads… One of the most significant details of this story is that the one grateful man was a Samaritan, which seems to show how often those of lesser importance or social status are often more meek and humble.

Humility goes hand in hand with Gratitude. James E. Talmage says “Gratitude is the sister twin to humility”. In Mosiah 3:19 it says “…and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father.” I was curious to see what things little children are grateful for, so I asked my nieces and nephews….

I think being willing to submit to all things is one of our best ways to show our gratitude. Our obedience to the laws, ordinances, and commandments is the greatest expression of love and gratitude we can give. We know that we are given commandments and guidance for our own good, and that the Lord knows us each individually and what we need. My favorite scripture is Alma 37:37……… Because while we see what we are going through and we think we know what is best for us, the Lord sees all of our potential and what is best for us in the long run. So if we rely on him for everything, and let him be our guide (our eyes) we know that all will work out for our good.

President Monson goes on to list plagues of today, which are, selfishness, greed, indulgence, cruelty, crime, criticize, complaining, blame, ect…. Those are the opposites of gratitude. One thing that my mission President mentioned to us several times was the 3 c’s. never Criticize, compare, or complain. Not only is that amazing advice for a missionary (believe me) it is also amazing advice for our entire lives.

He continues, “This is a wonderful time to be living here on earth. Our opportunities are limitless. While there are some things wrong in the world today, there are many things right, such as teachers who teach, ministers who minister, marriages that make it, parents who sacrifice, and friends who help.”

I don’t know if I was desensitized before my mission and oblivious during m mission, or if the world and media really did get a lot worse, but when I got home I was so shocked at how bad things had become. There were so many crummy songs and advertisements. But then I watched a video called the secret, which is more like an instructional video about how to be successful in life. Its main focus was about the law of attraction and that the things we focus on are the things we get out of life. So it says to focus on the positive things and the things you are grateful for. So I set that as a goal for myself, to see the good in the world and in people. And surprisingly there really is a lot of good to see, just like President Monson mentioned, “marriages that make it, parents that sacrifice, friends who help”, and so many more.

Another thing this video mentioned was that we think of ourselves as this ( ). But we can be what we want to be and we can start now and change now. Wedon’t have to let our past choices and mistakes effect us now. We can create a new us every day. That is the beautiful thing about repentance, even for every little thing. Gratitude and humility is the foundation on which repentance is built. One counsel the mission president gave to returning missionaries was to never cease to repent. He was actually giving marriage advice to his son in law when he wanted to marry his daughter. He made him promise him 3 things, Be a better husband and father than I am, never divorce, and never cease to repent. If we repent daily, that will guard and protect us in every aspect of our lives. Because true repentance is changing our ways to align our lives with Gods will. So if we truly have that desire, our thoughts and actions will be continually on the right path.

He continues with several examples of individuals we can be grateful for.

First, our mothers. I personally look up to my mother so much. I find myself quite often praying that I can become just like her.

Second, our fathers. When I pray that I can become like my mother I also pray that I will one day find someone just like my father. Years ago in young women’s one of our young women advisers told us to pray to become the future wives and mothers that we need to be. And to pray that our future husband whoever he may be will also be preparing himself to be the husband and father that he needs to be. So I have done that occasionally since then. And Because I love my parents so much and look up to them so much, I took the liberty to add “like my mom” and to find someone “like my dad”

Third is teachers. I’m sure we all have had those amazing teachers that make you feel like you could do anything, and achieve whatever you want in life. Those are the ones we remember forever.

Fourth is friends. Some of my biggest blessings in life were friends when you need them most. I know there have been times when I was new in school or church and in meant the world to me when someone took me under their wing and made me feel welcome.

Fifth, gratitude for our country. Its hard to really feel appreciation for the freedom we have without reflecting on the preparations of God to establish this new land. The Book of Mormon gives us so much more of an appreciation for this land we live in.

There are so many more we can think of to be thankful for. I thought of missionary companions, children and their example to us, and our siblings. When I was nearing the end of my mission, I admit I was very nervous to leave there and come back here. I even dreamt (several times) of hiding in the bathroom at the airport. But the minute I saw my family and all their love that all want away. I’m so grateful for my family and that we were raised in the gospel.

The last thing President Monson mentions that we can be grateful for is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is through the restoration of the gospel that we truly understand the atonement and how we can apply it in our lives. It is through His gospel that we can find that true happiness in life.

I just want to leave you with two challenges during this Thanksgiving holiday and forever.

First is to give thanks for everything. Prayer is an essential part of expressing gratitude. Christ is our supreme example of given thanks before asking for blessings.

Second is to focus on the positive and to serve others. On my mission we challenged an investigator to do an act of kindness every day, and we would do it too, and the next week we would talk about how that went . It was really cool because the more we were looking for ways to serve others, the more we noticed the little acts of kindness other people were doing all around us. And we had so much fun talking about it and the acts of kindness that other people did that we wanted to so it for another week, and another, and before we knew it we were reporting on it just about every visit.

I am so very grateful for this gospel, every part of it, and even these wonderful talks that allow us to reflect on ourselves and see where our weaknesses are. Recognizing them is the first step to changing. I am so very grateful for the atonement of Christ that allows that change, and that he knows us each individually and how to be there for us. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

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