In Europe they are doing this challenge for 21 days of asking a soul searching question and then receiving both a talk and a scripture to help answer the question. Here is the link if you want to go check it out. 

We hope as you search the scriptures and talks given here for the next 21 days that you will have an open mind and a prayer in your heart so that the Spirit of the Lord can testify the truthfulness of the message to you. May God bless you on your jour journey for truth!
Day 1:

Here is a link to the conference talk, You Matter To Him by Dieter F. Uchtdorf. 

The scripture for this question is Alma 22: 1-26.
Here is a link to some quotes from this talk and scripture. 
This is one truth that I have never doubted. I share my testimony with you all that there really is a God. And He loves each one of us more than we can comprehend!!!!!!
Day 2:

Here is the link to the conference talk, Joy and Spiritual Survival by Russell M. Nelson

Here is the link to the scripture 
Mosiah 4:1-21
Here is the link to some quotes on this talk and scripture. 
Day 3:

Here is the link to the conference talk, Waiting upon the Lord, Thy Will Be Done by Robert D. Hales. 
Here is the link to the scripture, Enos 1:1-12
Here is the link to my quotes from the above sources. 
Day 4:

Talk: Jeffery R. Holland- The Peaceable Things of the Kingdom, October 1996

Scripture: Alma 36:1-24
Quotes from the above sources
Day 5:

Talk: Dallin H. Oaks – Good, Better, Best -from 2007

Scripture: Alma 41:1-15
Quotes from above sources:
Day 6:

Talk: James E. Faust – Born Again, April 2001

Scripture: Moroni 8:1-17
Day 7:

The talk is: Broken Things to Mend by Jeffery R. Holland, April 2006

Scripture: Alma 34:8-41
Day 8:

Talk: Ezra Taft Benson- The Savior’s Visit to America, April 1987

Scripture: 3 Nephi 11:1-17
Day 9:
Talk: Gordon B.Hinckley-The Things of Which I Know, April 2007
Scripture: Alma 40:4-14
Day 10:

Talk: Dallin H. Oaks-Opposition in All Things, April 2016

Scripture: 2 Nephi 2:1-30

Talk: Neil L Andersen- Faith is not by Chance but by Choice, October 2015
Scripture: Alma 32:21-43
Here are some quotes from the sources above.
Day 12:

Talk: Neal A. Maxwell- It’s Service Not Status that Counts, July 1975
Here are some quotes from the sources above.
Day 13:

Talk: Dieter F. Uchtdorf- The Merciful Obtain Mercy, April 2012
Here are some quotes from the sources above. 
Day 14:

Talk: Joseph B. Wirthlin- The Virtue of Kindness, April 2005

Scripture: Moroni 6:1-9
Here are some quote from the sources above. 
Day 15:

Talk: Linda K. Burton- Turning our hearts to the voice of the Spirit, 2015
Scripture: 2 Nephi 32:1-9
Here are some quotes from the above sources.

Day 16:

Talk: David A. Bednar- Converted unto the Lord, October 2012

Scripture: Helaman 5:6-12
Here are some quotes from the sources above. 
Day 17:

Talk: Thomas S. Monson- What have I Done for Someone Today?, October 2009

Scripture: Moroni 7:1-48
Here are some quotes from the sources above. 
Day 18:

Talk: L. Tom Perry- The Gospel of Jesus Christ, April 2008

Scripture: 4 Nephi 1:1-18
Day 19:

Talk: Ezra Taft Benson- Born of God, October 1985
Scripture: Ether 12:1-28
Here are quotes from the above sources. 

Talk: Thomas S. Monson-Obiedience Brings Blessings, April 2013

Day 21:

Talk: Ezra Taft Benson- The Book of Mormon- Keystone of our Religion, October 1986

Scripture: Moroni 10
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