I have wanted to share my daughter, Ashlyn’s, miracle for a while now. I have shared it with a few family members, but I feel it can help others and so now I would like to share it on my blog. 
Previous to this miracle, we had been praying to know what to do to help Ashlyn be happier. This was our little girl who in her baby blessing, I had felt inspired to bless her with charity. She is the sweetest girl and our little mommy, but somewhere along the way she changed and without too much detail, she became mean and very cranky. 
On Sep 10, 2017 I woke up and shared with my wife a dream I had that night. This was my second night in a row to have a dream of the last days. I had no idea that my 11 yr old daughter, Ashlyn, was there on our recliner just listening to my dream. Shortly after I shared my dream, Ashlyn asked me, how do we become more righteous. I shared with her the primary answers and went on to another discussion.
As I was making breakfast, Ashlyn asked me if I wanted to hear the dream that she had had that night. Expecting to hear the typical crazy kid dream I have heard a thousand times before, I said sure. 
She then began to share with me in great deal a dream she had of the last days. I was so shocked and impressed with the dream she shared and the courage and obedience she demonstrated in her dream. She then asked me again how she could be more righteous, like really righteous, and I realized she had a notebook and pen in hand and was ready to take notes. Her dream had depicted different groups of girls and their characters and desires and what had happened to them, and she was there asking her dad how to ensure she would not end up like those girls who are less than righteous. She wanted to know how to have safety and protection in her life through living righteously. 
She then asked if we could start waking up at 5:30 in the morning and study the Gospel like we had done in the past. Yesterday, I had already planned on getting back to that anyway and so I told her, yes.
The next morning we got up together, and sure enough, when we sat down, she had her notebook and pen in hand again, and asked the same question. 
Just a quick sidenote: I usually prepare several picture quotes at a time and then wait for the right time to post them. I had prepared this particular quote over a week ago and had not felt good about posting it until yesterday, when after I woke up I felt that I needed to post it today, and so I did.
Back to my daughter; I was about to expound upon the primary answers, when the spirit told me to share with her the quote I had posted yesterday (sadly, I had forgot which one I had posted). So, I pulled up my blog and read the first line, and I was simply in awe, it was truly THE ANSWER TO HER QUESTION. “The key to spiritual growth is obedience to the voice of the Holy Spirit.”
Background image by: K S https://flic.kr/p/HhEnmx
“The key to spiritual growth is obedience to the voice of the Holy Spirit. This message needs to be blazoned in the sky in letters a thousand feet tall. We consistently underestimate how great a role obedience plays in our spiritual progression. Spiritually, nothing is possible without it, and everything – absolutely everything – is possible with it.” John Pontius Following the Light of Christ into His Presence
I then started to explain the quote, and she said that she tries to listen but doesn’t know how to tell if it is her thoughts or the spirit. The spirit stepped in again and told me to have her listen to chapter 11 of Journey to the Veil, by John Pontius which was about the the voices in her head. We started to listen to that together, and a few minutes later I heard myself telling her to take my phone and listen to it on her own and prepare a presentation from her notes. She took over 4 pages of notes over an hour and a half, I was so impressed. She came and gave her presentation to me and I gave her some ideas to add to what she had. It was nearly 20 mins of content and she later presented it to many of my children and my wife. 
This experience gave her a fire that I have not seen in any of my children before and she was literally an angel child for several weeks since this miracle. We would wake up and study and during the day, I would catch her teaching the other children how to hear the voice of Christ in their minds. 
I look back and see the hand of the Lord, as He literally guided every step of this miracle. I have so much gratitude to my Savior for guiding me in my journey that I was able to hear the promptings of the spirit, so that my daughter could have this miracle. 
She still goes through many tough times, but now often she can tell when she is getting cranky and asks me to wake up the next morning and study the Gospel again. 
Words can’t express my gratitude to my Savior for this miracle and for putting John Pontius in my life. Through his books and teachings, I have gained so many insights and had the process of listening to the voice of Christ in my mind, made clear and powerful. Also, I thank my Lord for helping my Ashlyn in ways that I could not do on my own. 
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