President Dieter F. Uchtdorf gave a great talk, a few years back, called, “A Matter of a Few Degrees.” I really liked this talk. 

He told the story of the 1979 – Antarctic sight-seeing flight that crashed into Mt Erebus, killing all 257 passengers on board. This tragedy was caused because someone had modified the flight coordinates by a mere two degrees.
What is so interesting to me is how a mere two degrees could be the difference between life and death. On my car, the alignment is pretty bad, and if I don’t keep one hand on or very close to the steering wheel, it could be dangerous if not deadly. How similar is our spiritual lives. If we are off by even a few degrees it too could be the difference between life and death. 
“Please do not drift off course, not even a few degrees. Hearken unto the Lord your God, and He will do for you what He promised to do for Saul: He will give you a new heart, make of you a new man, and always be with you.”
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