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You must Dive In
Pearls don’t lie on the sea shore. If you want one, you must dive for it.The things with having it life, must be worked for. Never be afraid of getting your hands dirty in honest work.
Happiness is a direction
Without Confidence
"If you don't have confidence you'll always find a way not to win" Background image by: Hannes Flo https://flic.kr/p/27wPomx
Success comes before work only in the dictionary
"The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary." Vince LombardiFree Mobile Wallpaper
The Powers of heaven were with the signers of the Constitution
Men believe what they wish
"Men willingly believe what they wish." Julius Caesar
I believe in Christianity
I simply love this quote. You gotta love C. S. Lewis"I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." C. S. LewisLead background image by: Hilton...
The fortune is in the follow-up
“The fortune is in the follow-up“ Jim Rohn Background image by: Paul https://flic.kr/p/25FmJbd
You are only staring on your path to success
Champions get up
“A champion is someone who gets up when he can’t.” Jack Dempsey
Passion is developed
“Passion is more developed than discovered.“ Dan Miller Background image by: Einir https://flic.kr/p/24NzBxo
Too many of us are not living our dreams
"Too many of us are not living our dreams dreams because we are living our fears." Les Brown
Always get what you have gotten
“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.” Tony Robbins
Fear Kills
Don't you fall victim to fears awful grasp. "Fear kills more people than death. Gen. PattonBackground image by: Hilton Chen https://flic.kr/p/25hNdhb
Stop Stealing from Your Greatness
“If you leave your time to randomness, you are stealing from your greatness.” Brendan BurchardWow, I don't know about you, but I plan on making some much needed adjustments and changes in my life to tap more fully into my greatness. Today is the first day of the rest...
Road to Success
It is so true, we never have it all "figured out," and the second we think we do, is when growth stops. Let's not get frustrated with the construction going on, but rather embrace it, honor it, and be grateful for it.
Say Thank You
The two most powerful words in any language: ‘thank you!’We should spend more time thanking those we love and appreciate. We need to spend more time on our knees thanking God for all His many blessings in our lives. As we do this, life will become more and more...
Go for the great
Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great. John D RockefellerWe must never settle for the good, but always strive for the great. Background image by: Philipp https://flic.kr/p/26cZDJZ
Never Lonely
You cannot be lonely if you like the person you're alone with. Wayne Dyer
Let’s Run
Check out this article using this picture quote. http://spiritualcrusade.blogspot.com/2016/12/run-after-our-salvation.html