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Have vision beyond your current circumstances
This morning I took the family on a kid friendly hike with my sister and her family. It was tons of fun. My sister is a pictureoholic, but it was good because it got us looking up and beyond the trail beneath our feet. The background picture is a picture I took from...
No one can make you feel inferior
How important is that: "no one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Eleanor RooseveltWe get to decide how we feel. Don't let your circumstances determine your mood, rather create your mood.
One day or Day one
So what’s it going to be, forever procrastination or take responsibility and ownership of your day, week, and year? Don't let anything, even yourself, get between you and your goals.Background image by: Pixfineart https://flic.kr/p/GU5LqG
Stop asking for permission
What you should though, is give yourself permission to be great!!Background image by: Christian Mu https://flic.kr/p/24SnpH3
The Real I
Find a Way
Afraid of Nothing
Enough said! 😀Background image by: Mesana62 https://flic.kr/p/qwq3JF
Water your faith
Our faith is like a plant, we must constantly water it to continue to grow. I would offer a challenge, to find one way to water your faith this week and make a plan to achieve that thing, and then get to work. I promise if you do this, you will have even greater...
Happiness is found in your heart
Happiness is the ultimate pursuit of all people. Let us remember that it is found in our heart not our circumstances. Happiness is also a decision, let us decide today to be happy and bring that happiness into our circumstances.
Faith is seeing beyond
The other day I watched “The Giver” and really liked it. This is a quote from the movie that I thought was really good. Faith is truly seeing beyond. It is interesting because we usually have to take a step into the dark before the light of our path is seen, and that...
Do not stop
I tell my clients all the time, that forward movement, even if small baby steps, is more important than an occasional regular step here and there. Let's all keep moving and never stop!!Background image by: Dustin Abbott https://flic.kr/p/GuyiDL
Decide that you want it
It all comes down to mindset and attitude. Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it. Now, go after whatever it is that you want.
Create happiness
Are you waiting around for happiness to just slap you in the face? Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. We must be actively creating happiness everyday!!!
Valentine’s Day
Need something last minute to send to your valentine, here are some suggestions:
Love and chocolate
Leave your mark in the world
Don't settle for average. Raise the bar and always be strive to leave your mark in the world. Background image by: mesana62 https://flic.kr/p/ouEmAa
Not all who wander are lost
Believe in Prayer
It is one thing to have faith that prayer can work for others, but it is another to believe that prayer can work for you. Let me just share a quick story with you. Many years ago, we were camping with the family. We were playing in the creek, that was way higher...
Discipline is the bridge
There is no substitute for discipline and hard work. Our goals do not get achieved on their own. Let us be more disciplined and bridge that gap between our goals and their accomplishment.Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. Jim Rohn
We must do
I really like this quote. It’s a great reminder that we need to take action and apply the knowledge we have gained to create the result we desire to have.Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe