General Conference
All General Confernce Posts
9 Quotes By Larry S. Kacher – “Ladder of Faith.”
How will life’s challenges affect our faith in Jesus Christ? And what effect will our faith have on the joy and peace we experience in this life? The year was 1977. The phone rang, and the message tore our hearts apart. Carolyn and Doug Tebbs were in the process of...
11 Quotes by Henry B. Eyring – “Steady in the Storms.”
My dear brothers and sisters, we have been blessed today to hear inspired servants of God give counsel and encouragement. Each of us, wherever we are, knows that we live in increasingly perilous times. My prayer is that I might help you stand steady in the storms we...
The only enduring solution for peace
“I love the Lord Jesus Christ and testify that His gospel is the only enduring solution for peace. His gospel is a gospel of peace.” President Russell M. Nelson
Contention violates everything the Savior stood for
“Contention violates everything the Savior stood for and taught." President Russell M. Nelson" President Russell M. Nelson I love this quote. It is so powerful and descriptive. It is perfectly in alignment with 3 Nephi 11:29: "For verily, verily I say unto you, he...
The gospel of Jesus Christ has never been needed more than it is today
“Brothers and sisters, the gospel of Jesus Christ has never been needed more than it is today.“ President Russell M. Nelson Remember that this is coming from the living prophet on the earth today. We live in a world and a time where the scriptures are being fulfilled...
11 Quotes By Randy D. Funk -“Come into the Fold of God.”
You will find the full talk with our memes/picture quotes inserted into the text. We have also made the text bold that applies to each of the memes. Enjoy! As young parents, Brother and Sister Samad learned the gospel of Jesus Christ in their simple two-room home in...
5 Quotes By Russell M. Nelson-“Now Is the Time.”
You will find the full talk with our memes/picture quotes inserted into the text. We have also made the text bold that applies to each of the memes. Enjoy! My dear brothers and sisters, this conference has been historic in many ways. We have been blessed by the...
9 Quotes By Dieter F. Uchtdorf – “Our Heartfelt All.”
You will find the full talk with our memes/picture quotes inserted into the text. We have also made the text bold that applies to each of the memes. Enjoy! Just days before He gave His life for us, Jesus Christ was at the temple in Jerusalem, watching people make...
Pray for the Lord’s help to end conflict and establish peace
“We call upon people everywhere to pray for those in need, to do what they can to help the distressed, and to seek the Lord’s help in ending any major conflicts.” President Russell M. Nelson Our world is in turmoil and we need the Lord’s help to return to the road of...
11 Quotes by President Russell M. Nelson – Preaching the Gospel of Peace
Preaching the Gospel of Peace By President Russell M. Nelson President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Visit the Source We have the sacred responsibility to share the power and peace of Jesus Christ with all who will listen. My dear brothers...
10 Quotes By Ulisses Soares – “In Awe of Christ and His Gospel.”
You will find the full talk with our memes/picture quotes inserted into the text. We have also made the text bold that applies to each of the memes. Enjoy! I have a dear friend who is a brilliant, retired university professor, a prolific author, and, above all, a...
8 Quotes By Mark L. Pace -“Conversion Is Our Goal.”
You will find the full talk with our memes/picture quotes inserted into the text. We have also made the text bold that applies to each of the memes. Enjoy! For just over three years now, we have been on a journey together as members of the Lord’s Church. It was...
15 Quotes By Elder Jörg Klebingat-“Valiant Discipleship in the Latter Days.”
You will find the full talk with our memes/picture quotes inserted into the text. We have also made the text bold that applies to each of the memes. Enjoy! Moral agency is God’s precious gift to each of His children. We are “free to choose liberty and eternal life,...
April 2022 General Conference Memes Part Five Of Five
April 2022 General Conference Memes Prt Four Of Five
17 Quotes By Dallin H. Oaks -“Divine Love in the Father’s Plan.”
You will find the full talk with our memes/picture quotes inserted into the text. We have also made the text bold that applies to each of the memes. Enjoy! The gospel plan shows our Heavenly Father’s love for all His children. To understand this, we must seek to...
April 2022 General Conference Memes Part Three Of Five
10 Quotes By Adeyinka A. Ojediran-“The Covenant Path: The Way to Eternal Life.”
You will find the full talk with our memes/picture quotes inserted into the text. We have also made the text bold that applies to each of the memes. Enjoy! A powerful king desired for his son to rule over one of his kingdoms. The prince had to learn and grow in wisdom...
Now is the Time, Pres Nelson
Now is the time we can learn. Now is the time we can repent. Now is the time we can bless others. The shadow by my finger cast Divides the future from the past: Before it, sleeps the unborn hour In darkness, and beyond thy power: Behind its unreturning line, The...