Relief Society Lesson: For Him by Joy D. Jones

Relief Society Lesson: For Him by Joy D. Jones

Elder Carl B. Cook made this observation: “Serving in the Church … can be challenging if we are asked to do something that frightens us, if we grow weary of serving, or if we are called to do something that we do not initially find appealing.”1 We were...
Move Freely Towards Christ

Move Freely Towards Christ

The scriptures are not gentle when giving direction on how to handle sin. In fact, they teach that if your hand offends you, cut it off. If you have wandering eyes…pluck them out. (Mathew 5:29-30) Wow! That is super strong advice  for how to handle what the...
The Holy Ghost Prepares Us For Danger Ahead

The Holy Ghost Prepares Us For Danger Ahead

Luke was watching a news basketball video. They were talking about Andre Drummond from the Pistons, and how he got two woman pregnant in one summer. This caught Luke’s attention. He decided he wanted to look it up. As he was typing it, he had a feeling he shouldn’t...
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