by Craig Conover | Jun 14, 2020 | -Come, Follow Me, -Come, Follow Me Ponderize, -Craig Conover, -Podcast, -Ponderize, Heart, Holy Spirit, increase faith, Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith, Knowledge, Light, Light of Christ, light the world, Mysteries of God, Obedience, Repentance, Salvation, Spiritual Crusade
Tablet version He that will not harden his heart—is given the greater portion of the word – Alma 12:10 – Come, Follow Me Ponderize and Commentary And therefore, he that will harden his heart, the same receiveth the lesser portion of the word; and he that will...
by Craig Conover | Jun 12, 2020 | -Craig Conover, Faith, Faithful, Humility, Missionary Work, Righteousness, Spiritual Crusade
“We are missionaries every day in our families, in our schools, in ourplaces of employment, and in our communities. Regardless of our age,experience, or station in life, we are all missionaries.” Elder David A. Bednar Every day we have the opportunity to be witnesses...
by Craig Conover | Jun 8, 2020 | -Come, Follow Me, -Come, Follow Me Ponderize, -Craig Conover, -Podcast, -Ponderize, Born Again, Christ, Spiritual Crusade
Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts? – Alma 5:14 – Come, Follow Me Ponderize and Commentary And now behold, I ask of you, my brethren of the church, have ye spiritually been born of God? Have ye received his image in your countenances?...
by Craig Conover | Jun 6, 2020 | -Craig Conover, parenthood, Parenting, Spiritual Crusade, Teach, Teaching
As I think about the craziness of our world, it got me thinking about parenting. We need powerful parents who take serious the responsibility of teaching their children the ways of righteousness, with their words and their examples. If we had more parents living and...
by Craig Conover | Jun 5, 2020 | -Craig Conover, Missionary Work, Spiritual Crusade
Give the Lord equal time I watched this conference talk yesterday and was so happy when I heard this story. This is the same story that M. Russell Ballard shared when he came to Arizona. I loved it so much then and wished that I could have shared it, and now I can!!...
by Craig Conover | May 31, 2020 | -Come, Follow Me, -Come, Follow Me Ponderize, -Craig Conover, -Podcast, -Ponderize, Faith, Prayer, Spiritual Crusade, Trials
They were steadfast and immovable – Alma 1:25 – Come, Follow Me Ponderize and Commentary Now this was a great trial to those that did stand fast in the faith; nevertheless, they were steadfast and immovable in keeping the commandments of God, and they bore with...
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