Beware of Spiritual Forest Fires…Watchmen on the Tower

Beware of Spiritual Forest Fires…Watchmen on the Tower

Our family has been praying for the families in California who lost their homes, and family member. It’s absolutely devastating. The constant question has been “How could this happen today?” Implying that with all our technology, and experience how could it be...
The Giants in Our Lives (David and Goliath): Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives

The Giants in Our Lives (David and Goliath): Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives

My 4 year asked me one day if he could plan Family Night. I was so excited. I’m always trying to get the kids to take turns, but it seems that they find other things to do with their time!? 😉 Carson is home with me still, so this gave us a fun project to work on. We...
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