11 Quotes from “All Must Take upon Them the Name Given of the Father” by Paul B. Pieper

11 Quotes from “All Must Take upon Them the Name Given of the Father” by Paul B. Pieper

The Savior’s name has singular and essential power. It is the only name by which salvation is possible. In order to access the saving power that comes only through the name of Christ, we must “humble [ourselves] before God … and come forth with broken hearts and...
Come Follow Me Weekly Challenge: Wise Men Follow Christ (Luke 2; Mathew 2)

Come Follow Me Weekly Challenge: Wise Men Follow Christ (Luke 2; Mathew 2)

“There came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him” (Matthew 2:1–2). The “Friend” describes the star that directed the Wise men to the baby Jesus...
16 Love Filled Quotes by Gary E. Stevenson: Shepherding Souls

16 Love Filled Quotes by Gary E. Stevenson: Shepherding Souls

We reach out in love to others because it is what our Savior commanded us to do. Isn’t it remarkable how such small efforts can have eternal consequences? This truth is at the heart of the Church’s ministering efforts. Heavenly Father can take our simple, daily...
2 Nephi Chapter 8: It’s Time to Wake Up and Get Excited! – Applying Scriptures to Our Lives

2 Nephi Chapter 8: It’s Time to Wake Up and Get Excited! – Applying Scriptures to Our Lives

While reading 2 Nephi, chapter 8, I felt like I was having a personal counsel with my Heavenly  Father.  I’ve learned over the years to keep my family home evening lessons short. I figure I’ve got 5 minutes to share the important thing. Even with that, I...
Christmas Devotional: Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room By Elder Gary E. Stevenson Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Christmas Devotional: Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room By Elder Gary E. Stevenson Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

At Christmas we celebrate the birth, life, and light of Jesus Christ, the literal Son of God and the Savior of the world. We find hope in the pronouncement that accompanied His birth: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. What if...
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