The  Treasure That Can’t Be Stolen

The Treasure That Can’t Be Stolen

Mathew 6:19: Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: 20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through...
Generals in the Lord’s Battalion: Alma 60 (Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives)

Generals in the Lord’s Battalion: Alma 60 (Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives)

President Russell M. Nelson is inviting us all to enlist in the Lord’s battalion. Our role as parents is excitingly important. We are the Generals; the ones responsible to properly train and equip the soldiers. The battle is real, the enemy is vicious and ruthless....
President Russell M. Nelson Teaches Us to Follow the Lord with Exactness

President Russell M. Nelson Teaches Us to Follow the Lord with Exactness

“The only thing that really matters is that you and I are doing exactly what we committed–even covenanted–premortally with our Heavenly Father we would do while we are here on earth.” – Russell M. Nelson President Russell M. Nelson teaches us to...
The Best Advice

The Best Advice

The Best Advice We are constantly inundated with opinions and advice on every turn. Social media, news, blogs, build boards, and many more, freely providing their perspective. When seeking answers to life’s challenges, it is somewhat daunting to know where to turn. We...
Beware of Spiritual Forest Fires…Watchmen on the Tower

Beware of Spiritual Forest Fires…Watchmen on the Tower

Our family has been praying for the families in California who lost their homes, and family member. It’s absolutely devastating. The constant question has been “How could this happen today?” Implying that with all our technology, and experience how could it be...
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