by Spencer Charles | Oct 4, 2021 | -Spencer, God, Heavenly Father, Latter Day Help, Path, serve, Service, serving
“The Lord puts those that need angelic help in our path daily.” — Carlos A. Godoy The Lord will every day put people in our life that need help because the Lord knows we can help them! It is up to you to act and help, or to ignore and not help. Please seek to see...
by Spencer Charles | Oct 2, 2021 | Child of God, Covenants, Example, God, Light, Path, President Russell M. Nelson, Russell M. Nelson
“Throughout his ministry, President Russell M. Nelson has studied and taught of God’s covenants with His children. He is himself a shining example of one who walks the covenant path.” — Elder Christofferson Our prophet, Russell M. Nelson has studied and taught of...
by Spencer Charles | Oct 2, 2021 | -Spencer, Christ, Covenants, D. Todd Christofferson, Jesus Christ, Latter Day Help, Overcoming the World, Path
“A second unique aspect of the covenant path is our relationship with Deity. The covenants God offers to His children do more than guide us. They bind us to Him, and, bound to Him, we can overcome all things.” — D. Todd Christofferson A unique and important part of...
by Spencer Charles | Sep 29, 2021 | -Spencer, Baptism, Celestial Kingdom, Covenants, D. Todd Christofferson, God, Hope, Kingdom of God, Latter Day Help, Love, Path
“What is the covenant path? It is the one path that leads to the celestial kingdom of God. We embark upon the path at the gate of baptism and then “press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and all men [the...
by Spencer Charles | Sep 18, 2021 | -Spencer, God, Happiness, Latter Day Help, Path, Righteousness, Stay the Course
“We need to stay on God’s path!” — Latterdayhelp All of us need to stay on God’s path of righteousness. If we leave his path we will only find misery and more pain than if we stayed on his path. You can’t find happiness outside of God’s path. We all need to stay on...
by Spencer Charles | Sep 10, 2021 | -Spencer, Action, Desire, Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, Latter Day Help, Light, Path
“Thereafter, when your desires and actions are centered on the covenant path, the Holy Ghost, as a light within you, will reveal and testify of truth, warn of danger, complete and cleanse and provide peace to your soul.” — Timothy J. Dyches When our actions and...
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