Join Christ To Save God’s Family! – Latterdayhelp Quotes

Join Christ To Save God’s Family! – Latterdayhelp Quotes

“Our Savior Declared, “Behold I am the light; I have set an example for you.” We will feel the love and peace of the Savior as we join Him in saving God’s family, for He has promised, “He that followers me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”...
Help Prepare The World For Christ’s Return! – Latterdayhelp Quotes

Help Prepare The World For Christ’s Return! – Latterdayhelp Quotes

“Remember, the best way for you to improve the world is to prepare the world for Christ by inviting all to follow Him.” — Bonnie H. Cordon The best way for you to help the world is to prepare it for the return of Christ! You can do this by letting your light shine and...
The Church’s annual “Luz de las Naciones” celebrates light, faith, and joy found in family

The Church’s annual “Luz de las Naciones” celebrates light, faith, and joy found in family

Author: Spencer Charles aka Latterdayhelp| Monday, November 22nd | 10 O’clock News MST| No.52  “Dear brothers and sisters of the Latin world, I am grateful to be part of this event and to be able to speak to you in Spanish,” Elder Christofferson said.  “Through...
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