by Sherri Jorgensen | Dec 5, 2019 | -Come, Follow Me, -Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge, -Sherri Jorgensen, Bible, Calling and Election Made Sure, Come Unto Christ Artwork, Light, Light of Christ, light the world, New Testament, Scriptures
2 Peter 1:10 …give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fail: What a perfect concept to focus on this week—How can we make our calling and election sure? Peter spends 8 chapters giving us his best advice. It...
by Sherri Jorgensen | Nov 12, 2019 | -General Conference, Belonging, change the world, Child of God, Come Unto Christ Artwork, Covenants, Gerrit W. Gong, God's Love, Keep the Commandments, light the world, Love, Overcoming the World, Plan of Salvation, Salvation
To belong with God and to walk with each other on His covenant path is to be blessed by covenant belonging. Heavenly Father does hear every child’s prayer. With infinite love, He beckons us to come believe and belong by covenant. This world is full of mirage,...
by Sherri Jorgensen | Jul 25, 2019 | -Sherri Jorgensen, Applying the Scriptures to Our Lives, Awake and Arise, Book of Mormon, change the world, Come Unto Christ Artwork, commitment, Consecration, Conversion, Courage, Covenants, Disciple, Discipleship, Distractions, Divine Nature, Drawing on the powers of heaven, Endure to the end, Example, Faith, faithful followers, Fold of God, Forgiveness, gathering, gathering Israel, Genealogy, God, God's Love, Gospel, Grace, greatest work, Happiness, Heavenly Father, Holy Ghost, Humility, Jacob, Jesus Christ, Joy, Keep the Commandments, Life of Wilson and Sarah Conover, Light of Christ, light the world, Lost Ten Tribes, Ministering, Miracle, Missionary Work, Obedience, Ordinances, Overcoming the World, Parenting, Path, Plan of Salvation, Power of God, Prayer, Pre-existence, Press Forward, Redeemer, Repentance, restoration, Righteousness, sacrifice, Satan, Savior, Scriptures, Temple Work, Tender Mercies, Trust, Unity, Virtue, Work
“The parable…recorded by Jacob in chapter five of his book, is one of the greatest parables ever recorded. This parable in and of itself stamps the Book of Mormon with convincing truth. No mortal man, without the inspiration of the Lord, could have written such...
by Sherri Jorgensen | Jul 22, 2019 | -Come, Follow Me, -Come, Follow Me Weekly Challenge, -Sherri Jorgensen, attitude, Bible, change the world, Child of God, God's Love, Light, Light of Christ, light the world, New Testament, Scriptures, Spiritualcrusade Lighthouse Designs, study
Acts 10:34 ¶ Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: 35 But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him. I can’t tell you enough how...
by Sherri Jorgensen | May 8, 2019 | -Sherri Jorgensen, change the world, Come Unto Christ Artwork, God's Love, Heart, Keep the Commandments, light the world, Love, Ministering, Overcoming the World, serve, Service
“Overcoming the world means turning ourselves outward, remembering the second commandment: “He that is greatest among you shall be your servant.” The happiness of our spouse is more important than our own pleasure. Helping our children to love God and keep His...
by Sherri Jorgensen | Feb 17, 2019 | -Come, Follow Me, -Sherri Jorgensen, Bible, challenge, change the world, Come Unto Christ Artwork, Light, Light of Christ, light the world, New Testament, Story
This winter has been excessive, with temperatures extremely low, and snow fall extremely high. These conditions make one of my jobs–chauffeur–difficult and cold. Last night I was shuffling kids around, and as the sun went down, my lights never appeared to...
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