by Craig Conover | Oct 30, 2018 | -Craig Conover, Holy Ghost, Last Days, Spiritual Crusade
“In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.“ Russell M Nelson Can we take a moment to really take in what this quote really means in our lives. “When you’re...
by Craig Conover | Dec 16, 2017 | -Craig Conover, Last Days, Spiritual Crusade
This is part of the Kirkland Temple dedicatory prayer, and it is so powerful. Enjoy!!Doctrine and Covenants 109:71-7771 Remember, O Lord, the presidents, even all the presidents of thy church, that thy right hand may exalt them, with all their families, and their...
by Craig Conover | Feb 2, 2017 | -Craig Conover, Callout, Last Days, Repentance, Spiritual Crusade, Taxes
From my journal back on 8/14/2015, that I had sent to my Family Gospel Study Group.As I was listening to Mosiah 18-22 while running this morning, I was shown how the record of the people of Zeniff foreshadows and is a type of the United States in these last days. I...
by Craig Conover | Jan 10, 2017 | -Craig Conover, Last Days, Places of Refuge, Spiritual Crusade
Mosiah 18:31:34 31 And these things were done in the borders of the land, that they might not come to the knowledge of the king.32 But behold, it came to pass that the king, having discovered a movement among the people, sent his servants to watch them. Therefore...
by Craig Conover | Jan 6, 2017 | -Craig Conover, Celestial Kingdom, Earth, Last Days, Spiritual Crusade
DC 88:17-18 the earth… must needs be… prepared for the celestial gloryBrigham YoungAnd this world, so benighted at present, and so lightly esteemed by infidels… when it becomes celestialized, it will be like the sun, and be prepared for the...
by Craig Conover | Dec 10, 2016 | -Craig Conover, Government, Last Days, Spiritual Crusade
“When our brethren in the Quorum of the 12 shall be called to the courts of Washington to give an account of the position of the Latter Day Saints…the world will be in commotion and the Lord will have something to work upon. It will be after this when our...
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