by Spencer Charles | Jan 11, 2023 | -Spencer, Atonement, Jesus Christ, Latter Day Help, Quentin L. Cook
“None can return to God by his or her own good works alone; we all need the benefit of the Savior’s sacrifice. All have sinned, and it is only through the atonement of Jesus Christ that we can obtain mercy and live with God.” — Quentin L. Cook We cannot return home by...
by Todd Bruce | Jan 11, 2023 | -Todd Bruce, Advocate, Atonement, Bruce R. McConkie, Elk Valley Latter Day Saint, Jesus Christ, Savior
”We have an advocate…who knows our infirmities, our sufferings, and our sorrows, because he too was subject to the flesh, and suffered beyond our comprehension.” — Bruce R. McConkie There is nowhere we can go that Jesus Christ hasn’t been. No depth, no distance, no...
by Todd Bruce | Jan 10, 2023 | -Todd Bruce, Covenants, Disciple, Elk Valley Latter Day Saint, Jesus Christ
”Casual and inconsistent covenant keeping leads to spiritual casualty.” — Kevin W. Pearson Line by line, precept by precept. It’s not just for learning facts and dates. It also is essential in applying principles into our lives. As we press forward, we leave casual...
by Spencer Charles | Jan 9, 2023 | -Spencer, Atonement, Jesus Christ, Latter Day Help, Mercy, Quentin L. Cook
“Without the Savior’s atonement, the eternal principle of justice would require punishment. Because of the Savior’s atonement, mercy can prevail for those who have repented, and it can allow them to return to the presence of God. We would do well to ponder this...
by Todd Bruce | Jan 9, 2023 | -Todd Bruce, Christ, Elk Valley Latter Day Saint, Ezra Taft Benson, Jesus Christ
“I testify to you that there is no greater, more thrilling, and more soul-ennobling challenge than to try to learn of Christ and walk in His steps.” — Ezra Taft Benson In the vein of good, better, best our single greatest goal in life should be too learn of Jesus and...
by Spencer Charles | Jan 6, 2023 | -Spencer, Covenants, David A. Bednar, Jesus Christ, Latter Day Help, Path
“Our covenant connection with God and Jesus Christ is the channel through which we can receive the capacity and strength to “heed not.” And this bond is strengthened as we continually hold fast to the rod of iron.” — David A. Bednar Through our covenants we are...
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