by Spencer Charles | May 10, 2022 | -Spencer, Christ, Covenants, Happiness, Latter Day Help, Light, Ordinances, Overcoming the World, Peace, Savior
The Savior Himself invites us to come unto Him and take His yoke upon us that we may have rest in this tumultuous world. We come unto Christ by “exercising faith in [Him], repenting daily, making covenants with God as we receive the ordinances of salvation and...
by Spencer Charles | Apr 25, 2022 | -Spencer, Atonement, Christ, Fear, Happiness, Latter Day Help, Ronald A. Rasband, Trials
“Be of good cheer, and do not fear,” the Lord has said. Why? How, when challenges face us at every turn? Because of the promise made by Jesus Christ: “I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you.” — Ronald A. Rasband Jesus Christ has told us to be of good cheer and...
by Aiyana Hayes | Apr 21, 2022 | -General Conference, Aiyana Hayes, Happiness, Holy Spirit, Memes, Spirit
Me seeing people gathered in the Conference center again, hearing the choir singing, and already feeling the Spirit:
by Spencer Charles | Apr 17, 2022 | -Spencer, Happiness, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Latter Day Help, Peace, Russell M. Nelson, Savior, Temple
“I urge you to find a way to make an appointment regularly with the Lord-to be in His holy house then keep that appointment with exactness and joy.” — Russell M. Nelson The house of the Lord is probably they most sacred and holy place on earth. Please make an...
by Spencer Charles | Apr 5, 2022 | -Spencer, Choose the Right, God, Happiness, Jesus Christ, Latter Day Help, Law of Chastity, LGBTQ, Sins, Word of Wisdom
“Many people hate Jesus Christ because they love sin! The temporary pleasures of sin are not worth it. Eternal happiness and living with God again is worth it. Choose the right.” — Spencer Charles aka Latterdayhelp The temporary pleasure from doing sexual sins and...
by Todd Bruce | Apr 4, 2022 | -Todd Bruce, Elk Valley Latter Day Saint, Gospel, Happiness, Jesus Christ, Savior, Seek Christ, Ulisses Soares
“When we truly are in awe of Jesus Chris and His gospel, we are happier, we have more enthusiasm for God’s work, and we recognize the Lord’s hand in all things.” — Ulisses Soares Jesus Christ is the central figure of our lives! No one else should play a more prominent...
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