by Spencer Charles | Jul 29, 2021 | -Spencer, Child of God, God, God's Love, Latter Day Help, Latter Day Saints, Trials
“God isn’t a stranger to pain. When you cry to him, he isn’t looking at you and saying “oh boy, here we go again.” He is looking down, feeling every tear of grief, sadness, anxiety and betrayal that you are crying, and saying “I know. It’s going to be alright my...
by Stefanie Colvin | Jul 17, 2021 | -Podcast, -Stefanie Colvin, God, God's Love, LDS Real People, Real Lives Podcast , Let God Prevail, Power of God
Special guest, my Mom! Kay Lemon and cover art by Danny Hahlbohm. His art can be found on EBay. We live in perilous times and there’s a war for souls. Do you trust in God?...
by Stefanie Colvin | Jul 16, 2021 | -Motivation, -Stefanie Colvin, God's Love, LDS Real People, Real Lives Podcast , Love
The Greatest Commandment Given To All. Click tab/button to watch a short video about Loving One Another that is inspiring and will warm you heart ♥️
by Spencer Charles | Jul 9, 2021 | -Spencer, God, God's Love, Happiness, Latter Day Help, serve, Service, serving
The more we serve others, the more happiness we will feel! Service is one of the best ways for you to feel good about yourself and for the other person that you are serving to feel good about themselves. Service can also help us become more like God. Unfortunately, no...
by Spencer Charles | Jul 8, 2021 | -Spencer, challenge, God, God's Love, Latter Day Help, Latter Day Saints, Let God Prevail
The more you are in nature, the more you can feel of God’s love for you. You are able to feel peace and free from the evils of the world. If you are ever in need of feeling God’s love for you, this is a good option. More...
by Spencer Charles | Jul 7, 2021 | -Spencer, Answers, Believe, Courage, Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Faith, God, God's Love, Hope, Latter Day Help
Download Our App: We can not expect God to give us all of the answers to everything in this life. The Lord wants us to trust him and believe that there is a reason we can’t know the answer to everything. God does this so we can gain more faith...
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