5 Quotes by Christoffel Golden-“Preparing for the Second Coming of Christ.”

5 Quotes by Christoffel Golden-“Preparing for the Second Coming of Christ.”

As recorded in the Book of Mormon, six years before the birth of Jesus Christ, Samuel, a righteous Lamanite, prophesied to a Nephite people, who by then had become mostly apostate, of the signs that would accompany our Savior’s birth. Tragically, most Nephites...
8 Quotes By Erich W. Kopischke – “Addressing Mental Health.”

8 Quotes By Erich W. Kopischke – “Addressing Mental Health.”

Even though our family has enjoyed rich blessings while joyfully walking the covenant path, we have also faced exceedingly high mountains. I wish to share some very personal experiences regarding mental illness. These include clinical depression, severe anxiety,...
12 Quotes By Ronald A. Rasband-“The Things of My Soul.”

12 Quotes By Ronald A. Rasband-“The Things of My Soul.”

My brothers and sisters, as I stand in our beloved Conference Center once again, I am reminded of the words of the Apostle Peter: “Lord, it is good for us to be here.” My thoughts today are centered on the words of the prophet Nephi, who kept the record of his people...
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