Lesson: Truth and the Plan By Dallin H. Oaks

Lesson: Truth and the Plan By Dallin H. Oaks

Lesson: Truth and the Plan By Dallin H. Oaks There is so much goodness in this talk, I am excited to jump into it. I would like to first start with this amazing Mormon Message to the youth by Dieter F. Uchtdorf, just to help set the stage. Our destiny is greater than...
11 Quotes from “All Must Take upon Them the Name Given of the Father” by Paul B. Pieper

11 Quotes from “All Must Take upon Them the Name Given of the Father” by Paul B. Pieper

The Savior’s name has singular and essential power. It is the only name by which salvation is possible. In order to access the saving power that comes only through the name of Christ, we must “humble [ourselves] before God … and come forth with broken hearts and...
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