Because My Father Read the Book of Mormon: A Short Story by Elder Marcos A. Aidukaitismk

Because My Father Read the Book of Mormon: A Short Story by Elder Marcos A. Aidukaitismk

I consider June 2, 1940, to be a very important day in the history of my family. On this day my father was baptized into this Church. Writing to his father, Elder Jack McDonald, one of the missionaries who baptized my father, described the day with these words: “Last...
Lesson: Parents and Children by Dallin H. Oaks

Lesson: Parents and Children by Dallin H. Oaks

Children are our most precious gift from God–our eternal increase. (Dallin H. Oaks) “I am the Child. All the world waits for my coming. All the earth watches with interest to see what I shall become. Civilization hangs in the balance, For what I am, the world of...
The Ripple Effect of Ministering One-On-One: Short Story told by Russel M. Nelson

The Ripple Effect of Ministering One-On-One: Short Story told by Russel M. Nelson

A hallmark of the Lord’s true and living Church will always be an organized, directed effort to minister to individual children of God and their families. Because it is His Church, we as His servants will minister to the one, just as He did. We will minister in His...
Lesson: Try, Try, Try By President Henry B. Eyring

Lesson: Try, Try, Try By President Henry B. Eyring

Lesson: Try, Try, Try By President Henry B. Eyring I am so excited for this lesson. I will touch on some key things but to get more of my commentary throughout this lesson be sure to watch the video above. I wanted to start off with this picture. My sister, Debbie,...
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