by Craig Conover | Apr 24, 2019 | -Craig Conover, -General Conference, Children, Endure to the end, Faith, Holy Ghost, Hope, Jesus Christ, Love, Spiritual Crusade, Teaching, wayward children
What a powerful talk. I really enjoyed studying and building these picture quotes/memes to help bring this talk to life. My testimony has been enlarged and my resolve to follow my Savior has increased. Enjoy!!...
by Todd Bruce | Apr 23, 2019 | -General Conference, Atonement, Be Better, Elk Valley Latter Day Saint, God's Love, growth, sacrifice
Just think about it! Despite our shortcomings, our loving Heavenly Parents and our Saviour are always beckoning is to come unto them and be better. They are waiting to embrace us with love. Jesus is the personification of love and selflessness. He just wants us to...
by Sherri Jorgensen | Apr 21, 2019 | -General Conference, Christ, Come Unto Christ Artwork, Family, God's Love, Gospel, Humility, Jesus Christ, Kindness, Love, Parenting, Quentin L. Cook, The Family: A Proclamation to the world
Love is the primary attribute and motive for the spiritual purposes we were charged to undertake by our beloved prophet. The new Sunday meeting schedule represents an exceptional opportunity for members to successfully and lovingly invite friends and associates to...
by Todd Bruce | Apr 17, 2019 | -General Conference, Be Better, Elk Valley Latter Day Saint, Faith, increase faith, sacrifice, Trust
Could not love this quote more. We must do whatever is required to know God! We must re-evaluate our lives and remove the things that take us away from Him! He loves us, it’s time for us to love Him back! “Why would you ever turn away from the only Saviour who...
by Debbie Olson | Apr 17, 2019 | -General Conference, Uncategorized
Here is the link, http:// Just as reading and learning about muscles is not enough to build muscle, reading and learning about faith without adding action is insufficient to build...
by Sherri Jorgensen | Apr 17, 2019 | -General Conference, -Sherri Jorgensen, Christ, Come Unto Christ Artwork, God, Healing, Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, Light, Light of Christ, Testimony, Trials
If you feel that the beacon of your testimony is sputtering and darkness is closing in, take courage. Keep your promises to God. One of the fundamental needs we have in order to grow is to stay connected to our source of light—Jesus Christ. He is the source of our...
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